Re: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *NO SPOILERS ALLOWED*
as i said, he saw the Emperor about to kill his son, he got the Light Side back and killed the Emperor.
he's corrupted by the Emperor. thats all you need to understand. If Luke didn't want to join him, they would kill him then go after Leia to make her join them. I kind of thought everyone got this way back in the 80s. its all about the Dark Side corrupting their minds and the Emperor being a Dictator ruling the Galaxy. Vader is the Emperors apprentice.
Plus you have to remember the Emperor lied to Vader. He told Vader that Luke's destiny is to kill the Emperor, and then join Vader to rule the Galaxy as Father and Son and it will end the conflicts in the galaxy. But in ROTJ, Vader realized it was a lie too, because the Emperor wanted Luke to kill Vader instead and then Luke and the Emperor will rule. This also woke Vader up. The Emperor lied too, manipulated, and brain washed Anakin/Vader since the Prequels. he finally realized it when Luke was almost killed by the Emperor.
Psychological effects? Sex Slave? I think she's pretty pissed off through the series of losing her home planet. And there is no indication she was a sex slave. She was a slave dancer. For not very long. maybe less than 24 hrs.
i think your looking way too into it. If they had Netflix back then to make a series, you would of course see more detail that was off screen in the story. But it all adds up just fine. Just listen to the dialogue with Luke, Vader, and the Emperor. Corruption, brainwashing, and lies by the Emperor. it even goes back to the Prequels with Papaltine and Anakin. Sure there are a few things they messed up in the story of the Prequels, but the Emperor's plans are pretty much there through the 6 movies.