Sauron is great bust, but it's release so early in the series worries me. Not much different than Morgul Lord. Are they going to do any elves or hobbits? This and morgul lord would be easy to scale up from the WETA busts and the Cave Troll was a previously produced garage kit. I would think the previous 2 had relatively low developmental costs. This one also. I could be wrong, but I'm hoping this isn't going to be the only type of busts we will see in this line. That would be a shame.
I've already got a Sauron helm in 1/6th scale (on the statue) and 1/4th scale. Why would anyone need a third one? It's just a helm with a bit of shoulder armor attached. There is no face to show, so how is it any different (aside from being "big")?
Sauron's cool. I've got the statue but this is another way to get a cool piece. Nothing wrong with that. I don't need another one but I do want this. Don't see what's wrong with doing this piece.
Well, there's nothing wrong with doing it, it's just that there are other busts that could also have been made, and I would rather have seen something else. Gandalf or Saruman would have been better choices for me.
I just have zero interest in yet another Sauron helm.
I just keep waiting for something in the legendary bust line that will make me want to jump in, but so far, they are batting a solid .000. Maybe some time if I can find a good enough deal on the Troll I might get one, but since I already have the SSW Troll bust, even that isn't offering much of a compelling reason.