SDCC Announcement Prediction Thread

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King of the Monsters
CF Supporter
Sep 8, 2006
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SDCC is just a few week weeks away, yet all the buzz going at the moment is about the exclusives. I think it'd be fun to discuss predictions on what will be unveiled for the Star Wars line.

I'm thinking, being a heavily ANH year, we'll see Farm Boy Luke and ANH Han Solo, they're easily done and key characters missing in this year's ANH lineup. I also think it's possible we may see a Tarkin in there as well, given SSC's fondness for militaries, the Imperial leader would be fitting. Not going to see Vader, don't expect him to be ready. I'm also thinking we'll see an large environmental piece of Jabba-esqu caliber, or a new military package, possibly ANH Rebels to keep with the ANH theme of this year's announcements. I also think we'll probably see another dio piece, again most likely ANH related, though after getting the Maul PF, I'm itching for a Maul dio. It's also possibly the big unveiling of Illum Padme could follow, but I'm not counting on it because they seem to be really giving that piece everything they've got, and with all the delays, they know the fanboys will leave no room for error when they finally get to see it. I don't think we'll see another PF piece, I think between the 1/6 line and their other properties, production is busy enough and the Speeder Bike should likely suck up a good deal of production resources.
I think Padme will make her first appearance and Nute and Rune will be the two pack. They make the most sense and would complete the circle with the Holo Sidious.

I also think we'll get the Emperor as well. Now, here's a twist on it though. I think one will be the OT version and the exclusive will be his ROTS version.

OT but I think LOTR is due for some nice announcements as well.
I thought SS said they were NOT going to have something bigger like Jabba? I think they'll do more 12" to make up for that. A lot of this is blind hope more than predictions based on anything tangible.


-Maybe PT piece, Qui Gon?

-Luke and Vader ESB

1:1 Bust
If we get a PF announcement for Star Wars...I'm thinking it's the Droids.

They could go along side their annoucement of details for the 1:1 scale pair! :monkey1
If we get a PF announcement for Star Wars...I'm thinking it's the Droids.

They could go along side their annoucement of details for the 1:1 scale pair! :monkey1

I would love that. According to that old interview (which has still proven largely accurate), they should be coming soon after Maul in the order. Qui-Gon was also listed there, along with X-Wing Luke. (The Scout Trooper was not.) So I am optimistically guessing for the droids at SDCC and Qui-Gon or another surprise later in the year. Maybe Palpatine will be unveiled at Toy Fair next year.
I would love that. According to that old interview (which has still proven largely accurate), they should be coming soon after Maul in the order. Qui-Gon was also listed there, along with X-Wing Luke. (The Scout Trooper was not.) So I am optimistically guessing for the droids at SDCC and Qui-Gon or another surprise later in the year. Maybe Palpatine will be unveiled at Toy Fair next year.

Yeah, I recall a 3PO sculpt (or was it a picture) paying on one of their tables in a picture back then...
That is partially why I said that. I could have sworn they said that they were coming up in the next few in the line! Thanks...I thought I was crazy for a second.

-ANH Luke or Vader
-Nute/Rune 2-pack

I really don't expect to see much more new stuff than that on 12" front. I have a feeling the people building themselves up for another Jabba type bombshell are going to be disappointed.
In terms of being quality figures, Nute and Rune would be great as far as their costumes and head sculpts, but overall, they'd be very boring in terms of poses. Yes Holo Sidious is limited, but it's a convention piece, it's meant to be cool but not a must have item, and same for Yavin Luke, who didn't have much in the film but you can still dynamically pose, but all Nute and Rune could do is stand with Sidious, so I'm a bit torn over the idea of them being the first 2-pack, being a unique thing in the line, I'd want something more special like a TPM Palpatine and ROTS Darth Sidious 2-Pack, a PT full circle 2-pack so to speak.
I would bet an a ANH Solo and Tatooine Luke, Maybe a Millenium Falcon environment? The chess table is out already. Obi Wan with Remote will soon be out as will Leia. I'm saying Luke, Han, C-3p0 and R2-D2 will be the two-pack( no better two pack than that) and eventually some day Chewie will round out the bunch. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Vader, but don't see it.
I hope we get a Vader or Emperor bust.

Since there have been no "helmet" busts released, my prediction is:

1:1 Emperor bust

:emperor :emperor
Contrary to some opinions, I don't think the Speeder Bike PF is the only big item we'll see from SW at SDCC.

I am just hoping for either 1) ROTJ Emperor and Throne 2) Bespin Lando 3) a droid 4) KI ADI MUNDI!!!!!!
I'd be all for Palps and his throne, Robot Chicken made one in basically that scale, just give us that :)
I'm guessing it'll be ANH heavy too for the 30th Anniversary...


ANH Farmboy Luke
ANH Han Solo (maybe?)
3P0 and R2
Luke X-Wing outfit

1/4 PF:

3P0 and R2 together!
Original Stormtrooper

I think it'll still be a while before we see Chewie and Vader, but hey, who knows! As for NON ANH, here's what I'm hoping for:


ESB Lando
Bespin Luke
ANY Trooper (armored)
Luke Snowspeeder outfit
Han Solo in Carbonite Polystone with lights

1/4 PF

Han Solo in Carbonite Polystone with lights (to hang behind my Boba Fett PF!)
Jango Fett (to display opposite my Boba Fett PF!)

JABBA-sized item:


ANH Landspeeder
ANH Bantha w/Tusken Raider
ROTJ Emperor w/Throne + Royal Guards

But what I'm REALLY hoping for: (See sig. below...) :)
If any characters need to come in a 2-pack, it must be Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. How can they be separated. My bet is 'ANH Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru'.