Shadow Ninja - Batman Begins

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Freaked Out
Nov 3, 2012
Reaction score

If this question is not in the correct forum my apologies.

I can't seem to find any of these figures for sale and wanted to ask the community what would be an estimated value of this figure if I wanted to sell mine.

Thank you

It is impossible to estimate a value if there's no recent sales history.

Your best bet is to place an auction and let the market decide. It's worth however much the top bidder is willing to pay for it.
To put an optimistic spin on this- I say, since it’s no longer available anywhere and if there are no ‘recently sold’ sales figures to go off on eBay, it could be considered very rare since no owners want to relinquish their copies.

If you’re not in a mad rush to sell and want maximise profit, list it with a 40-50% markup and just see what sort of interest it gets.
It’s far more preferable to me to reduce the price over time than to regret selling too cheap out of ignorance and feel like you’ve played yourself.

It’s a pretty basic third party figure though so I wouldn’t expect anyone to pay a huge amount for it. Something in the ballpark of a standard Hot Toys release would probably be a win.