Media Should The Joker Return in Batman: Arkham Knight?

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Should The Joker Return in Arkham Knight?

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Stupid machines!
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Jul 19, 2008
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What do you think? Should Batman's greatest rival return in Arkham Knight, or should some other villain take his place?
Let Joker stay dead, it would completely tarnish AC's shocking ending. Batman has numerous villains that could take the position over in AK.
Yeah, I figured a lot of people would feel that way, too :lol. For me, it'll just be so surreal if he's not alive somewhere (and somehow) at least. I'm used to seeing him around in the Animated Series and movies; although, some folks have told me in the game thread that he actually died a few times in the comic arcs - but, I never read the older comics, so what do I know :dunno.

I voted yes.
As long as this game is a lot of fun gameplay wise I fine with everything else. Orangins ruined the plot continuity and now AK is about to ruin visual style of the series so I don't care about the characters any more.
Well we all know that in comics, people never stay dead.

That being said, the plot for Arkham Knight was conceived during the development of Arkham City so at least we can be assured that even if Joker indeed does return, it will not be something that (pardon the language) Rocksteady just pulled out of their butthole like what Hideo Kojima does with his games. Just sayin'.
ee-yon-ghaaa-hurrrllll!!! :gah: /thread

Or maybe we can keep it open, to ascertain whether you agree with Rocksteady's decision or not.

Well we all know that in comics, people never stay dead.

That being said, the plot for Arkham Knight was conceived during the development of Arkham City so at least we can be assured that even if Joker indeed does return, it will not be something that (pardon the language) Rocksteady just pulled out of their butthole like what Hideo Kojima does with his games. Just sayin'.

Well, even though I'm sad to see The Joker dead, at least Rocksteady truly gave it some deep thought, before going to that route.

I liken Kojima to a parlor magician who pulls rabbits out of his hat. He shows very little respect for any of his characters.
Oh man, I forgot about how menacing Bane was in Arkham Origins! I think he should take the lead in AK. It was also explained why he literally became a drooling idiot in Asylum and City. Bring Bane back!
Give someone else a chance tired of bane and joker Batman has the best rogues use them stop with bane and joker.glad we are getting the character arkham knight.
Let Joker stay dead. I would prefer more of the other villains. Joker is not the only great villain in Batman's rogue's gallery.
I voted "Yes, he should return"

Even if he's dead, I'd like to see him come back for an appearance... Scarecrow fear toxin.
Calendar Man! :lol

Seriously, the Clock King and Calender Man would be a truly deadly duo for a Batman game. One obsessed with absolute precision and the other commits murder by date. Imagine the gameplay possibilities.

Did anyone saw the JLU episode on how the Clock King (From BTAS) was a key member of Task force X in the operation to infiltrate and sabotage the JLU watch tower? Yeah, let's see Batman deal with that.