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Hmm maybe I was looking at the wrong samples but I have seen 1:1 busts here and they nowhere near look real compared to even 1:6 HT blown up in pictures?! The only 1:1 that look more real to me seem to be the non-human busts. The only 1:1 human busts that have blown me away were BobbyCs and those blow me away in terms of realism and dollar.
Look, I'm with you bud, I live in a small house. I dont even have room for 1/4. Up until last week, I only had 2 PF. I do stick with 1/6 cause that the only room I have in the house and afford.
But I'm trying to make a point on the ones that say 1:1 isnt better than 1:6. That's hogwash. Basically just because we cant afford nor have the room doesnt make the 1:6 even or better than 1:1.
1:1 is the ultimate scale. Its lifesize. Same reason why lifesize bust is better than the legendary scale size.

All I'm saying is that just because that's all I can afford and have the room for, I'm not naive or dishonest to myself to think that that 1/6 scale is better. If I have the money or room, hell yeah I would love to have one.

Well, it's not just about room, which is part of my point. The other factor is, what do you do with a 1:1 item besides display and look at it? I think 1:6 is superior in that aspect, because these are action figures with a lot more variety in the experiences they can offer you.
Well, it's not just about room, which is part of my point. The other factor is, what do you do with a 1:1 item besides display and look at it? I think 1:6 is superior in that aspect, because these are action figures with a lot more variety in the experiences they can offer you.

Well, sorry...didnt know we're talking about playing with toys. I dont play with toys. :slap

To me, this is the same scenario as a Ferrari vs Camry.
So, since a Ferrari has an expensive maintenance, expensive parts, expensive price, not made to be driven everyday, etc.
and Camry has cheaper, maintenace, cheaper parts, can be driven everyday and even less worries about parking in public, Camry is better right?
lol...must be nice living in a pipedream.
Well, sorry...didnt know we're talking about playing with toys. I dont play with toys. :slap

To me, this is the same scenario as a Ferrari vs Camry.
So, since a Ferrari has an expensive maintenance, expensive parts, expensive price, not made to be driven everyday, etc.
and Camry has cheaper, maintenace, cheaper parts, can be driven everyday and even less worries about parking in public, Camry is better right?
lol...must be nice living in a pipedream.

You are loosing out. Have you seen any photo shoots that some of the likes of Maulfan have done here? Being able to pose and having just the passion to setup scenes you can play out the entire movie via photo stills and can be just as fulfilling if not more so than just owning a piece. statues are great to look at but miss out on this part of the hobby. Not everyone will take this hobby to that level of enjoyment but certainly cannot dismiss it. Just like a Ferrari owner likely does not have the knowledge nor skills to enjoy the car to its fullest on a track a budgetminded may actually draw more enjoyment out of his tricked out Civic on a track.
I'm losing out? BS, I'm just not naive.

I'm speaking purely of "money is no object".
You guys are bringing up all the advantage of having a 1/6, so therefore its better.
I'm not saying 1/6 is crap, Heck, that's what I collect even. Sure its nice being able to pose the damn thing. Sure it has a lot of nice thing going for it. But if you have the resources and money...1:1 > 1:6.

I see you have a 1/6 HT tumbler there in your sig. So is that better than the lifesize tumbler? Heck you can put your tumbler in your living room and you cant with the lifesize right? lol.
I see you also have a terminator in your sig.
If money is no object, You would pick the HT 1/6 t800 over the lifesize T800? You can pose the HT so its better huh?

Losing huh? not even close bud.
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Hmm maybe I was looking at the wrong samples but I have seen 1:1 busts here and they nowhere near look real compared to even 1:6 HT blown up in pictures?! The only 1:1 that look more real to me seem to be the non-human busts. The only 1:1 human busts that have blown me away were BobbyCs and those blow me away in terms of realism and dollar.

exactly, again, I know I cant convince you 1/6 guys that obviously have your minds made up and probably have never had a full size 1:1 piece. lets compare Bobby C's 1:6 joker and 1:1 Joker. Both are posable cause the 1:1 mannequin is posable. They are both equal in detail and craftmanship, but the 1:1 obviously has a much bigger presence, creating something that ppl just are in awe over cause it looks like Heath is right in your living room. Theres just no comparison to which would be better in most peoples eyes.

The argument was that money and space are of NO issue, which would you have? Anything is possible, if you want a poseable 1:1 piece, its not out of this realm. Theres just no comparison to which presents a higher detail of realism when executed properly. A highly manufactured bust, by say Sideshow, is not a fair comparison to one of these 1/6 customs. Idk Geil, have you seen SimmonM's collection? He has many 1:1 full size pieces, and if you havent, you need to check it out cause those types of pieces are museum quality, and no 1/6 figure in the world could hold a candle to those 1:1 pieces.
It's always nice to speak of the money is no object POV but its time to back to planet earth. I am in no way disputing that the riches is always going to be better in many ways (who really is?) but like you so conveniently ignored my other quite valid points you will be ignorant to the simple fact that I would simply own both if not all scales
Thank you Azurepred. My sentiments exactly.

Its funny that I'm even debating this as 1/6 is the only thing I can afford. Up until last week, I only had 2 PF and one was bought with income tax.
I have NO jealousy issues so I'm perfectly happy with my collection. I'm happy every time I come home and look at my collection and very happy that as of right now, as far as my personal grail pieces, I have them. One of them is the HT OC Bats.

I've seen some of the collection of the guys in the show your shelves section with a lof of 1:1 stuff. So does that mean I should stop collecting cause it'll never be as great as those? No, I have an extreme respect for what Hot toys and some of these customizers have done. I have a huge respect for art and I look at these the same way. Once I find the nice pose, I look at them again and again.
But if somehow, someway, I can afford lifesize stuff, you bet my collection would be like some of the guys in that section. It'll probably never happen and I'm still happy with that cause I love my 1/6 collection.

Its what I'm saying all along, just because all I can collect are 1/6, I'm not gonna be naive to think just just because it has a lot of benefits that its better than the lifesize counterpart.
Its like what Azurepred said, the thing the 1:1 has big time over 1:6 is presence. Much like going to a wax museum.
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what were your points? that 1:6 is poseable and shoots better? Its not like some of the guys that have large 1:1 collections are millionairs or anything :rotfl. I dont know what to say if you think collecting purely 1:1 is out of this universe cause its not. The main reason ppl dont is either cause their wife says no or they dont have the room. Your getting off track, this wasnt a debate about what a person prefers cause theres a lot of factors that go into it,but it was about which was more impressive to look at given equal attributes of their 1:6 counterparts.
yes what was the point of all this? I came in late and offered the simple point of enjoying the ability to pose these 1:6 mimicking actual movie scenes and trying to actually encourage some of you to try it as that has really made me enjoy my collection more. But over the past few pages anything else but your opinions were laughable and naive and deserving of :slap :rotfl so as usual that really was not a discussion
Well maybe you should read more. You're the one who called me out and said I'm losing this debate.
You shouldn't call out someone when you now say you didn't even bother reading what the discussion is about. :slap

If you would have bothered to read before calling out that someone is losing the argument, it started with a 1:1 is not better than 1:6.
Well maybe you should read more. You're the one who called me out and said I'm losing this debate.
You shouldn't call out someone when you now say you didn't even bother reading what the discussion is about. :slap

If you would have bothered to read before calling out that someone is losing the argument, it started with a 1:1 is not better than 1:6.

call you out?? loosing this debate??? is that all you care about???? :cuckoo: I was merely referring to you loosing out for not taking pictures of the figures referring to you not "playing" with your toys :slap you are paranoid :rotfl
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Well, I guess if I was to try to rebuttal, it may seem that that is all I care about.
So to that, I answer, have a good nite geil:wave
So, if standing in front of you is a 1:1 scale of OC Batman and also a 1:6 Scale of OC Bats and someone says you can have
either one but the deal is you cant sell it (so in that sense, money is not a factor), you'll pick the 1:6?
I'm sure even if you're room is crammed, you'll find a room for that 1:1.:rotfl

Y'know what, I really hope this happens to me in real life. It's the only way I could ever own a 1:1 OC Bats suit.
Made this tonight guys :)
A evolution of all the pics that I take to put on the forum ^^

Re-quoting this to overtake all the pointless _____ing.

GREAT work Nic. :rock
:lol @ the 1:6 vs. 1:1 debate. To each his own. It's not an issue of who's right.

As for me: a collection of full scale suits is a collection, whereas 1/6 is a hobby. Much more customizable and posable = more fun.

Also, in my home 1:1 would be completely obnoxious. If money were no object I still would buy 1/6.

Now if I lived in Wayne manor, then I'd have a bunch of 1:1 suits and a 1/6 collection. But I guarantee that I would be spending a lot more time "playing" with the 1/6 stuff. Guaranty! :lecture
can we talk about this...have you guys replaced the stock bodies for two face and dx joker?

I feel like I can't futz things to make it look better...would I just be better off getting some true type narrows?