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This figure needed to be a home run for Sideshow... and it is!

My car was struck by another and deemed a total loss. I was given a check for the amount of the car and through that, and as a result of positive reviews on this forum, I hit the "Buy Now" button and never looked back. I'm very glad I did!

Been a HUGE fan of Indy since the eighties, and have pretty much waited for a figure like this ever since. I never picked up Hot Toys' effort as I wasn't too thrilled with it. This... this is the figure I've always wanted.

The good:

Ford's likeness is spot on

The clothing is well tailored and sets/wrinkles nicely

Great attention to detail

Paint! I'm really impressed with the paintwork on everything, from head sculpt to accessories

"Illuminated" Sankara stones are a nifty extra

Sankara stones are different sculpts!

Metal machete

Numerous hands and properly scaled

Painted fingernails! (Go check!)

Very cool box and artwork

Accessories are very well done

True 1/6 scale at 12 1/4" (with boots)

Mostly a good body

The bad:

Hairpiece is obvious

Shoes appear slightly big

Whip could have been a better sculpt

No jacket

Hat is a little large and seems a slightly drab

Head is minutely undersized

Floppy right arm

The ugly:

Me before accutane

Getting back to the size of the head, wherein lies the bulk of criticism I've seen so far, I've taken full-body side and front view images of Ford as a young Han Solo and Indy and determined the ratios of his head to his body with that of the Indy figure's head and body. I found that the head sculpt is only one millimeter too small. At times it's noticeable, at others, not. This figure is just properly scaled with a tall body, making the head sculpt size somewhat noticeable to some.

Still, as a HUGE (all caps are necessary once again) Indy fan, I must say, the pluses outweigh the minuses. Sideshow apparently got tired of the criticism and said, "*****k it! Let's go for broke," with this figure. I absolutely love it!

When I was a boy I would make playsets for my figures out of cardboard and styrofoam. They were awful but kept my friends and I entertained. Now as a 42 year old man, I'm thinking just what I could make using high grade plastic and other expensive materials for my new TOD Indy.
