That's how I think it should be done. I believe eventually even TPM Yoda will basically look like AOTC-ROTS Yoda, 1 figure for each trilogy and be done with it.
Droids are in progress and looking like a 2011 release according to the most recent Q&A, that basically leaves Chewie as the only major, non human character with no sign of development. There was talk of them looking into Chewie 1/4 though, so maybe they'll start at 1/4 and use what they learn from that to develop 1/6.
yes- i didnt think of the ole switcheroo head ala the Emperor!!!
good call!!!
Ex could be a snake like the hasbro figure!!
hmmm imagine the Mud hut.....would be good to see that at C5
yer maulfan i was going to mention the tarnished robes from the OT compared to the newish style from the pt in regards to the robes.....definately a diff there.
That and the PT robe had a hood, the OT didn't. Also, PT seems like a cream/tan sort of color, like ROTS Obi-Wan's tunic, the OT looks more grey/white.
The question is, of the five films we see Yoda in, which version will we see as a figure first? TESB is a no brainer, but does the 25th Anniversary ensure that will be the first one we get?
backpack as an EX-didnt think of that!!!
a Dagobah Dio would hit the roof but we know SSC are capable of it!!!
i wouldnt want the hover chair-jedi council chair would be cool,but then id want the other 11 to go with it