Sideshow CIV Exclusive Confirmed

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madden821 said:
Get ready to wait at least another week. I doubt they will announce them 2 1/2 months early. I hope I am wrong though.

Not really that unrealistic when you consider each exclusive will be PPO which is usually 1 per week

3 products = 3 weeks (attendee Thursday, non-attendee Friday)

Aren't SDCC exclusives are sorted out a month in advance?

plus last week's NL stated "very soon" in regards to more info, which usually means next week
jlcmsu said:
I bet we hear something this week. Not a PO per say but something.

Yeah, we'll hear.. "Stay tuned to future newsletters for exciting announcements." Anybody remember how early they announced Sith Anakin? If I remember correctly is was just a couple weeks before wasn't it? I hope I am wrong about this but when they keep saying wait, wait, wait.. you just figure you're gonna wait.
DarthNeil said:
Like the "Vader" (Sith Anakin) an Exclusive would have to be a variation on a pre-existing figure (otherwise there'd be a riot if a totally new figure emerged for only CIV and a handful for others). In that reasoning a new 12" figure would have to be announced well in advance with its variant the exclusive (and it must be in the works ready to roll out so there must be 12"---from ANH hopefully--- ready to come out to play---er, for pre-order).

I'm betting the 12" exclusive will be Endor Luke. They already have the helmet sculpt, all they'd need is a poncho. Plus he'd also go with the Endor Troops which should be shipping right around that time.
TheObsoleteMan said:
I'm betting the 12" exclusive will be Endor Luke. They already have the helmet sculpt, all they'd need is a poncho. Plus he'd also go with the Endor Troops which should be shipping right around that time.

That's a good assumption but it HAS to be something from ANH... With the 30th anniversary you'd have to think that SS have been planning ahead to unleash their ANH figs from the 12" line now. That's why we've only had one fig from ESB (Han) and the other OT from ROTJ---- all (or should I say several) the ANH are going to be announced in the coming months and the chess table was the taste of this year's overall theme....:D
TheObsoleteMan said:
I'm betting the 12" exclusive will be Endor Luke. They already have the helmet sculpt, all they'd need is a poncho. Plus he'd also go with the Endor Troops which should be shipping right around that time.

Could be Han as well. They said it would be "iconic" so I'm thinking a main character for sure or at least a very memorable character like say Greedo. I just have a feeling it would be ANH themed since C IV is for ANH. They aren't like GG. They actually TRY to have good exclusives (ie not critical to a collection yet cool to have AND easily available to non-attendees).
Buttmunch said:
Could be Han as well. They said it would be "iconic" so I'm thinking a main character for sure or at least a very memorable character like say Greedo. I just have a feeling it would be ANH themed since C IV is for ANH. They aren't like GG. They actually TRY to have good exclusives (ie not critical to a collection yet cool to have AND easily available to non-attendees).

The C IV exclusive (if it follows form) would be a variant of an existing figure--- Luke has four possibilities from ANH: farmboy, farmboy in poncho and hat, x-wing pilot, and celebration attire...

The smart money is on one of these being announced (farmboy) and the exclusive for C IV being a variant of it (poncho and hat anyone?).
DarthNeil said:
The C IV exclusive (if it follows form) would be a variant of an existing figure--- Luke has four possibilities from ANH: farmboy, farmboy in poncho and hat, x-wing pilot, and celebration attire...

The smart money is on one of these being announced (farmboy) and the exclusive for C IV being a variant of it (poncho and hat anyone?).

Yeah I know it is likely a variant, but you never know. Kit was going to be last year's SDCC exclusive afterall.

I wouldn't want a "farm" Luke AND a "poncho" Luke. Farm Luke's exclusives should be the poncho and hat. Its too simple a figure to make two versions of otherwise. (three if the regular Farm Luke had an exclusive)
Buttmunch said:
Yeah I know it is likely a variant, but you never know. Kit was going to be last year's SDCC exclusive afterall.

I wouldn't want a "farm" Luke AND a "poncho" Luke. Farm Luke's exclusives should be the poncho and hat. Its too simple a figure to make two versions of otherwise. (three if the regular Farm Luke had an exclusive)

Kit Fisto was going to be last year's SDCC exclusive? I never heard of that. That would put a fly in the ointment because then that would mean that any ANH iconic character could be up for it--- I guess then Greedo would be back in the game.

I think farmboy Luke would come with: blaster, lightsaber, binoculars, rifle, blast helmet, training laser thingie, and the exclusive would be the poncho and hat (since Qui Gon's exclusive was also the poncho).
This CIV convention is in May, right? I don't see how they could announce ANH Luke (which wouldn't even ship til the 3rd or 4th qtr.), and then have a variant of it ready to sell by then.
Yeah, he was gonna be but they decided that would cause too many people to be upset. Which is why I don't think it will be someone new unless the ES is fairly high.
It could be a new figure also if they figured on a particular character/version being of certain popularity, set edition sizes ahead, and have already produced that figure ready to ship once you place your order and previewed before. I'm guessing more so, it'll be a higher ES new figure first offered at the convention, because as much as I would love just a variation of something out now in case I have issues with the non-attendee PPO, the fact they stated it'd be an "Iconic" 1/6 figure says it's something we haven't seen because the idea of what Iconic Star Wars character appearances are is nothing we've seen yet, unless Sideshow considers something they've already done to be Iconic on some level, I just want to know already, especially if it's new, nothing better than first seeing a new SSC Star Wars figure :)
The Earl of Dunfield said:
Iconic = Leia with her white dress - same ROTJ head scupt most likely

Too departed from Boushh to be a variant, the only thing close to Iconic variant of an existing figure that would be different but similar enough not to worry people that miss out on it might be Bespin Han with no jacket, arm restraints, and a carbon freezing chamber inspired base.
I like the Han idea for a variant, how about a Pit of Carkoon Han instead? Slightly browner shirt, adjusted headsculpt with squinty eyes and of course since weapons, the breather and the Mynock wouldn't fit thrown in a Han in Carbonite for good measure.
OK guys. I am going to risk the ridicule of my fellow freaks when I say that I really can't see the CIV ex. as a variant of an "existing" 1:6.

I think we will see that the CIV ex. will be the exclusive of a character yet to be released with the regular going on sale as soon as the ex. sells out.

I personally don't see a variant of an existing OT figure that I would describe as "iconic". Carkoon Han? Endor Luke? Please. Those may be cool, but they are hardly ICONIC imho. It's gotta be something new, like Old Ben or Han, Luke or Leia from ANH. Those are iconic.

I do like the Tusken Raider idea, though. Those are pretty iconic too.
IrishJedi said:
I personally don't see a variant of an existing OT figure that I would describe as "iconic". Carkoon Han? Endor Luke? Please. Those may be cool, but they are hardly ICONIC imho. It's gotta be something new, like Old Ben or Han, Luke or Leia from ANH. Those are iconic.

Ah the sweet taste of validation. Its yummerific!
IrishJedi said:
I personally don't see a variant of an existing OT figure that I would describe as "iconic". Carkoon Han? Endor Luke? Please. Those may be cool, but they are hardly ICONIC imho. It's gotta be something new, like Old Ben or Han, Luke or Leia from ANH. Those are iconic.

I do like the Tusken Raider idea, though. Those are pretty iconic too.

I agree no variant on released product would be Iconic, but the CIV 1/6 sure raises a lot of curiousity, I don't know how PF Luke was dealt with at SDCC, but last year Anakin came well before the SDCC Vader so to have a con exclusive coming with the Iconic tag to it is quite confusing, I really wonder how this will go down, these are the scenarios I can think of.

Convention only offered figure with high ES for non-attendees.

Variant of an upcoming release and because the con is around the corner, the figure would have to be production and so would the base figure which will soon go up for preorder and be ready to ship immediately.

Variant of an upcoming release with the base figure to be released at a date after the convention.

Those are the only ways I can imagine this could happen, and my gut says the first scenario of a figure with only one version being made specifically for CIV is likely to be the case because making a base figure and setting ES before sales seems like a huge gamble compared to standard SSC sales with regular editions, and having the variant come before the base figure would be unusual as well.