Blue Flame of the West/Mod
I think it's Farmboy Luke, ANH Leia, or Old Ben Kenobi.
tomandshell said:I think it's Farmboy Luke, ANH Leia, or Old Ben Kenobi.
tomandshell said:I think that any of those three would be iconic enough for the 30th Anniversary and relatively simple enough to have produced in time. (They have, of course, been working on it for a while now.) I think that iconic Leia would really bug fans since she would be so different from the existing figure, and everybody is going to need Old Ben when the Vader gets released. Old Ben would be an easy entry into the long list of Jedi figures, but they can't make a limited number of him and then an inclusive amount of Vaders for him to duel. That's why I think Farmboy Luke is the best bet. There is already a Luke available, and I think they can do a Bespin Luke with a huge edition size down the road. If I had to guess, I would pick Luke to be the CIV exclusive.
DarthNeil said:If it is a Farmboy Luke I would hate to be SS and hear from those fans of the 12" who are unable to get him. I hope that whoever it is, those of us on the other side of the continent (and in other parts of the world) who are not able to attend CIV are going to be able to snag an iconic ANH fig...
Luke, Obi-Wan, or Leia... I'd want them all.
pixletwin said:Meh, Sideshow has proven that they take care of everyone who really wants something.
DarthNeil said:I agree... but to have an original 12" as a convention exclusive is scary for those of us far away---I only hope that we'll ALL get a chance at it.
tomandshell said:I have a feeling that like Sith Anakin, they will be making so many of these that they will be convention exclusives in name only. There should be plenty to go around to non-attendees.
IrishJedi said:Okay, my official guess:
ANH Ben or ANH Luke
Edition Size: 7,500-10,000
jlcmsu said:A Tusken Raider would also be very cool IMO as well. I'd take that honestly of Farmboy Luke right now.