Sideshow Collectibles X Hot Toys - Star Wars Collaboration

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I'm guessing whatever Enterbay does next, HT will do next.

So let's all petition Enterbay for the SW figs we want, lol. If EB makes it, HT automatically wants to make it too. :lol

Please make a Slave Leia EB! :D
Am I reading this right?

The Hot Toys' Bespin Luke will be displayed alongside Sideshow's newestSixth Scale Figures, including Boba Fett, IG-88, General Grievous, andmuch more. The Sideshow Map Room Environment will be displayed with HotToys' Indiana Jones figure,
featuring his cairo disguise costume, true to the famous film scene.
Wow, this is a good way.

I don't think Hot Toys will release SW figures in the masses or as fast as Sideshow. I like the idea of Sideshow producing about 90% of the figures, with Hot Toys releasing one every now and then....which is where I think they are going with this line.
I actually see this partnership as SS doing faceless or non-human characters and HT doing the human characters. Even then, HT will most likely only be doing main characters so don't go throwing away your SS SW yet folks.

I guess I will only limit this line Jedi and Sith. No interest in Han or Leia. They should have really made Jedi Luke first though.
I actually see this partnership as SS doing faceless or non-human characters and HT doing the human characters. Even then, HT will most likely only be doing main characters so don't go throwing away your SS SW yet folks.

I guess I will only limit this line Jedi and Sith. No interest in Han or Leia. They should have really made Jedi Luke first though.

Agreed on both points.:goodpost:
I actually see this partnership as SS doing faceless or non-human characters and HT doing the human characters. Even then, HT will most likely only be doing main characters

HT better give me Luke and Han Hoth dammit. They did the Winston classic pieces which have them set with the snow suits. :wink1:

I agree. I doubt HT does Vader, Fett or trooper. In fact, I don't expect HT to generate near the volume of characters as SS. I wouldn't be surprised if they released 5 - 10 main (human) figures and quit.
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HT better give me Luke and Han Hoth dammit. They did the Winston classic pieces which have them set with the snow suits. :wink1:

I agree. I doubt HT does Vader, Fett or trooper. In fact, I don't expect HT to generate near the volume of characters as SS. I wouldn't be surprised if they released 5 - 10 main (human) figures and quit.

I could see HT making Vader but Fett and the Troopers maybe not (though could you imagine the epicness of a 1/6 Fett by HT:google)
SS Fett is looking pretty good. I prefer HT tackle humans (Chewie and Vader would be awesome tho)

Wait have there been pics released of the SS Fett? Edit: Nvr mind just saw it. EPIC!!!!

I like SS' SW figures (though I don't own any... yet) but I think if anyone can do a 1/6 Chewie justice, it's HT though SS has really been stepping up their game lately.
Yup. A nice video of both Fett and IG can be found on SS website. Go to IG-88 ex page in the big image of IG under explore this product is a comic con showcase video. Both BH are so bought :yess:

I'd love to get IG-88 (I may depending on price since he's my fave ESB BH after Fett) but with so many other figures being released, I may have to put him on hold. Fett is a definite though. He WILL NOT be missed.
I just started collecting Star Wars within the last year and I don't have any of the main characters so this is great news!
I think the POTA apes are an excellent example of what HT could do for Chewie. The hair application on them is perfect.
I think the POTA apes are an excellent example of what HT could do for Chewie. The hair application on them is perfect.

And they did 3 Apes that looked alike and didn't do any more of the Apes line. I just hope they put more heart in to the SW line.