Super Freak
Wanted first of all thank Greydeath for making this an easy custom with the headsculpt and suit, I love this figure.
I posted this in the Marvel Section under a Deadpool thread but I don't think it's even a custom 1:6 thread for Deadpools to begin with exception of the very end, so I decided to post this here. If it really annoys anyone it can be moved to the Marvel section, just wanted to share my work with you Freaks and I hope you enjoy!!!!! --Ski
I posted this in the Marvel Section under a Deadpool thread but I don't think it's even a custom 1:6 thread for Deadpools to begin with exception of the very end, so I decided to post this here. If it really annoys anyone it can be moved to the Marvel section, just wanted to share my work with you Freaks and I hope you enjoy!!!!! --Ski