Snowed in with Sideshow

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Super Freak
Jan 9, 2007
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Snowed in at home here away from work so all I can do is sit here and wait till those new pre-orders pop up!

How about everyone else? :chew
Bardoon said:
Snowed in at home here away from work so all I can do is sit here and wait till those new pre-orders pop up!

How about everyone else? :chew

wish I was snowed in :monkey2
Snowed in here as well. Just waiting for my boss to get me the links I need. I'm sure with all the pre-orders going on I will get tons of work done. LOL! :D
Iced in. We have about 1" of snow, but .5" of ice. Not looking forward to trying to clean my truck off, but at least I'm not at work :D
Glad to see some others getting the day off.

I was peeved though cause the ice rain kept me up all night,I woke up at 5:30 am to get set for work and it was still going.I check the status of work for me,2 hour delay with unscheduled leave......I go back to sleep ...wake up an hour later and debate going into work....and finally around 8-8:30 I made the call just to take the day off.

But now I am so worked up I can't go back to sleep!
No snow in Switzerland this whole winter, except for a few flakes in late January that lastet about 48 hours - at least where I live.

...and we always used to have a lot of snow! Global warming and weather changes are freaking me out! :horror
Hope you guys are enjoying all that snow.
I live in the HOT south. AND it NEVER snows down here. :monkey4

I love snow. But then again, I don't have to shovel it, so maybe that is best.
Still, hope you all are enjoying it for me. :D
I'm at college and we get more snow than I did in Texas but it's a small university so we don't get anything canceled. Although last semester we had a bunch of snow and one class was canceled because we were going on a field trip.
Darth Loki said:
Don't be jealous. I'd trade it for 72 and sunny any day.:emperor

Not me!!! I have always loved gloomy, overcast, rainy days; can't really stand bright sunny days! I know, I'm weird!

But there is just something magical about an overcast, snowy, absolutely quite early morning; no birds, no sounds but the falling snow, I could stand there and watch it forever!!!
Snowed in here, all the schools and many business's are closed today, But, my bud, the UPS guy got here with my Frodo PF! So, all is good with the world, snow or not. :monkey5
I'm happy I was here to nail down a lot of the big pre-orders I had planned on getting.Spidey 3 stuff and the ALIENS Alien! :D
Was snowed/iced in Tuesday. Nothing cancelled, but couldn't get out of my driveway. The street clearing folks love to push all the snow/ice at my driveway entrance -- pile was about 3 ft high. Had to shovel that off. After 3-1/2 hours, had to go lay down with a heating pad to take care of my wrenched back. grrrrrrrr!
lcummins said:
Not me!!! I have always loved gloomy, overcast, rainy days; can't really stand bright sunny days! I know, I'm weird!

But there is just something magical about an overcast, snowy, absolutely quite early morning; no birds, no sounds but the falling snow, I could stand there and watch it forever!!!
I like it overcast and gloomy, but no rain.

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