Ray Stevenson - The Punisher
1/6th Customized by Elvis1976
Head Sculpt: Z painted by elvis1976
Sweater: loading toys courrier with arm pocket added
Pants: soldier story secret service
Gloves: Hot Toys (finger cut)
Boots: soldier story secret service
Watch: Hot Toys
Vest: customized SDU dragon + GIGN vest with custom shoulder pads
M4: soldier story customized with zacca grenade launcher
Beretta: soldier story repainted silver
Magnum: custom uzing several bits
holster: soldier story customized
knife: Hot Toys Krauzer with custom sheet
1/6th Customized by Elvis1976
Head Sculpt: Z painted by elvis1976
Sweater: loading toys courrier with arm pocket added
Pants: soldier story secret service
Gloves: Hot Toys (finger cut)
Boots: soldier story secret service
Watch: Hot Toys
Vest: customized SDU dragon + GIGN vest with custom shoulder pads
M4: soldier story customized with zacca grenade launcher
Beretta: soldier story repainted silver
Magnum: custom uzing several bits
holster: soldier story customized
knife: Hot Toys Krauzer with custom sheet