Somehow Rey Returned

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So is The Old Republic officially canon now or...
The Ahsoka trailer got me all excited and then this news just let the wind out of my sails. No thanks, I’ll pass.
Knowing that no matter how good any pre-ANH or post-ROTJ material is - it's all leading to the ST as far as Disney is concerned - does have a deflating effect.
Knowing that no matter how good any pre-ANH or post-ROTJ material is - it's all leading to the ST as far as Disney is concerned - does have a deflating effect.
It really does. I try my hardest to compartmentalize The Mandalorian, but the thought of it connecting to the ST is always lingering in the back of my mind. Anything trying to relate to the ST is going to have a stink on it.
Knowing that no matter how good any pre-ANH or post-ROTJ material is - it's all leading to the ST as far as Disney is concerned - does have a deflating effect.
“Just enjoy the ride.”
“Sir, this is the Titanic.”

Best of luck to Daisy. She’s a good actress and none of the story was her fault. Though if they retcon her parentage again I’ll laugh enough that I’d probably end up liking it. Screw it. Make her the daughter of Max Reebo. I double dare you, Lucasfilm.
Well let's see if this thing even gets made.
For me personally, I'm just going to ignore its existence. I'll not watch any trailers or read any news/plot details on the run up to release. Then once released, proceed to simply not watch it.
Its the same approach I'm taking to Acolyte.
At the end of the day, Lucasfilm can release whatever crap they want but if you ignore it, it's like it never existed.
Daisy wasn't the problem with the sequels. In fact, I thought she was very good. She and Adam Driver both put in very good performances. I thought their acting and dueling was top notch.

But that doesn't mean I'd be willing to sit through another movie with Rey. I just can't do it with the sequels anymore. I'm already on edge enough with Mandalorian knowing they're about to start trying to fix those awful movies with an otherwise good show.