SS Yoda Is Sounding More and More Likely

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Malalaking Gagamba
Staff member
Super Moderator
Apr 2, 2006
Reaction score
76, Totter's Lane
It’s been a year since I started collecting figures from Sideshow’s Star Wars 12-inch Figure line. They all are great figures, although I don’t have too many of them because I’m just 16 years old and my job is not the best in the world! But the ones I do have are great. My question is… Is there a chance that there will be any 12-inch figures from The Force Unleashed? (like Star Killer And Kota) Or figures like Tarkin, C-3PO & R2 and maybe Yoda? Keep up the good work!

Congratulations on your one-year anniversary! We are producing the Stormtrooper Commander from The Force Unleashed, and we do have plans for Tarkin, C-3PO, R2-D2, and maybe even Yoda.
Hi Pix:wave
YES! Hope they do both Yoda's at the same time. Tarkin is another Im wanting.
Pix, you big tease! :lol From the Subject Line I was thinking we'd get something less ambiguous.

We won't see a 1:6 Yoda from SSC for 2 years, at least.
I'll take the "I'll believe it when I see it" approach. I'm still waiting for Merry and Pippin from Sideshow to complete my Fellowship (I'd have added Gimli to that list but I took matters into my own hands ;)). :lol
Anyone remember the Q&A from last month? I thought it said something more direct. Something about Yoda not being announced this year, but perhaps in 2010.
Tarkin would be my first SW figure, and I'd have to get a Vader to go with him. Beyond that I'm not very interested in this line.

The Han and Luke in Stormtrooper disguises do look great though.
I think Pix just reposted someone else's question. Either that or he's a musical prodigy since iirc he has a music degree. :lol
I figured Tarkin would be an eventual figure since they've got the Imperial uniform in use for two figures already. It is cool to hear that they are planning on R2, 3PO, and Yoda though. Maybe I'll be able to replace those old crappy Hasbro versions!
:rotfl You guys are killing me :lol Medicom Toys made a Yoda. I'm new to the board are there any reviews of it around ? I can't wait on SS forever. Deckard you have the coolest Avatar ! How do you go about getting a motion Avatar anyway ! I am currently avartarless.