Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I am not denying that it may look better in person. But it's not like I am looking at all of these photos in big giant blow up shots. So I have seen what the cape will look like at an even smaller scale. Thus to my eyes and some others the cape looks goofy. It's not a matter of how high it is. It's the "feminine" way it appears.


Yet I look at the Koto sculpt and the cape is off the shoulder but I think because the pose is "dynamic" and masculine it looks fine in my eyes.


But the cape even looks a bit off to me from this angle


However when a photo is taken at a lower angle look at how much better it looks because it looks like the cape is lower to the shoulder.


You can see more shots ant this angle in full size here

But it's not a make or break thing with the statue for me. As the great outweighs the bad.


I read ALL of your words ... and all I heard was BLAH BLAH BLAH ... what was it you were trying to say????:cuckoo:

All kidding aside m8.... THIS is the pic that just SELLS for me.


PURE PERFECTION!!! I totally respect your points, but honestly when I have viewed the 360 views for this one I have NO problem with what I see... NONE ... I think the long eared portrait gets rid of the feminine feeling you are getting though. It eliminates the twist in the neck, but then it emphasizes the cape. In the end I am sure it will all come out in the end, and that you will be totally happy with this piece... at least I hope so... have faith .. lol
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Not the JAWS I know ... he won't Shut Up ... Yack Yack Yack!!!!!!! :wink1:

Nah He knows I am kidding the man speaks up quit well, and he makes great points. This is a discussion board after all.

However, there are quit a few downer threads now where people are dissapointed ... I wonder if some are getting dissapointment fatigue:dunno

There's a few? **** it seems like every thread I go on is 90% negative.

Yes there has been mucho negativity on the board of late. Part of the issue is that Damn Spidey keeps telling me I am going to end up loving everything I don't like ;) One damn Eyebrow gate and suddenly everything will be fine in hand :)

I posted this in the superman thread but a lot of the negativity seems to be on SSC shoulders

1. Obi Wan Mythos - Missing the Saber Hilt and QC issues that SSC don't seem to want to make right.

2. Hulk Maquette - Expensive and Hollow

3. Rhino - Hollow and cracks in the mold

4. Punisher PF - No EX head that they teased in their video

5. Superman EX - Flaming eyes??? Really??

There have been other issues but I don't know them all.

SS CS use to be second to none but they seem to be expecting buyers to accept QC issues. Hell they even told me that the messed up White in my Hulks teeth was because of the whole "all are painted different" excuse and offered me a small refund instead of a replacement. Had I not been able to get rid of it myself I would have been really upset because it looked stupid.

Actually the Batman PF has been somewhat calm compared to the others.

With the exception of Bats ad Superman (which is just a diff of opinions by the fans) SSC seems to be cutting corners at the expense of the consumer.

And I say this as a big SS fan and a big fan of their CS.
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I wonder why?:dunno

It's really not the people that express their likes or dislikes. It's when others feel defensive and attack because you don't see it the same way they do. So they tell you don't buy it because there is not enough room up SSC's arse where they have entrenched their heads.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Yes there has been mucho negativity on the board of late. Part of the issue is that Damn Spidey keeps telling me I am going to end up loving everything I don't like ;) One damn Eyebrow gate and suddenly everything will be fine in hand :)I posted this in the spidey thread but a lot of the negativity seems to be on SSC shoulders

1. Obi Wan Mythos - Missing the Saber Hilt and QC issues that SSC don't seem to want to make right.

2. Hulk Maquette - Expensive and Hollow

3. Rhino - Hollow and cracks in the mold

4. Punisher PF - No EX head that they teased in their video

5. Superman EX - Flaming eyes??? Really??

There have been other issues but I don't know them all.

SS CS use to be second to none but they seem to be expecting buyers to accept QC issues. Hell they even told me that the messed up White in my Hulks teeth was because of the whole "all are painted different" excuse and offered me a small refund instead of a replacement. Had I not been able to get rid of it myself I would have been really upset because it looked stupid.

Actually the Batman PF has been somewhat calm compared to the others.

With the exception of Bats ad Superman (which is just a diff of opinions by the fans) SSC seems to be cutting corners at the expense of the consumer.

And I say this as a big SS fan and a big fan of their CS.

Excuse me ... WHO was right about the Hulk ... THATS RIGHT ... IT WAS ME!!!!! You asked if it would look good and I told you it would ... lol. Right ... and you are going to get FLAMES and LIKE THEM!!!!:wink1:

All good points m8... and well stated... there are issues that need to be addressed and I hope SSC gets to them because it is important that we are confident in what we are buying
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

It's really not the people that express their likes or dislikes. It's when others feel defensive and attack because you don't see it the same way they do. So they tell you don't buy it because there is not enough room up SSC's arse where they have entrenched their heads.

Yeah but maybe some are just tired of hearing the negative for 3 or 4 pages and want to shut it down a bit as well. The cape issue has been on going for pages now, so yeah we get it. Kind of like the Superman Ex. I am not saying it is okay to blow your stack, but frustration can be on both sides especially if the negative talk erodes your confidence in you purchase.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Some disenchanted JAWS please transfer your EX to me. :wave
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Ya now that I preordered superman I really want batman also :) The addiction never stops :)
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Don't unbox Batman... Problem Solved! I charge by the hour:wave:lol

He'll have to unbox him. With SSC QC you can't take a chance of the 30 day return window lapsing. Nothing prevents him from putting him back in the box though. :lol