Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Ya know, I am starting to wonder if they placed the cape so high off his right shoulder to help offset how long his neck is. If his cape was resting on his shoulder like I would like then his neck would really appear too long. Almost E.T. the Extra Terrestrial long.


Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I kid you not Spidey but for whatever reason I just read this post and looked at the pic again and thought "Hmmm, it actually don't look that bad"

Weird. Could be I am getting use to it. Or picturing it worse then it is. Again I can live with the pose more then I can with the cape but no matter what I am sure I will love this as a whole so I am really not all that worried.

Add to the fact that I will have Bats displayed higher up so it might give the illusion that the cape is closer to the shoulder then it really is. Like that one photo I posted awhile back.

"You will like it"...
"No I won't"...
"Trust me you will" ...
"NO NO NO"...
"Oh come on you know you will"...
"Okay, well I know you don't like this pose, but I really like THIS Shot"
"You KNOW what I actually don't MIND that shot"

Honestly, my man I read everything you said about the Batarang hand and I agree to a point... but DAMN if you were to go back and read our discussions for the last 20 pages what I wrote above pretty much sums it up...:rotfl:hi5:
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Okay we have the cape business sorted and filed away.
So what about his neck?!

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Aw great! Here we go again. Thanks Ondi lol


Neck looks fine to me


Yeah but you're partial to long necks. Honestly though I think that profile from that angle the neck is too long. When I look at the top line of his shoulders it does seem very ETesc :lol. The cape does a good job of balancing it out IMO. Not many people are gonna display it like that thought are they? :wink1:

I wish we had more varied pics of the other profile too. I would love to see it from more we could dish more dirt out on it :monkey1

I'm presuming this is an amazing pic BR so :yess: :hi5: :lol I hope that covers it?:wink1:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF


Yeah but you're partial to long necks. Honestly though I think that profile from that angle the neck is too long. When I look at the top line of his shoulders it does seem very ETesc :lol. The cape does a good job of balancing it out IMO. Not many people are gonna display it like that thought are they? :wink1:

I wish we had more varied pics of the other profile too. I would love to see it from more we could dish more dirt out on it :monkey1

I'm presuming this is an amazing pic BR so :yess: :hi5: :lol I hope that covers it?:wink1:
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF


Yeah but you're partial to long necks. Honestly though I think that profile from that angle the neck is too long. When I look at the top line of his shoulders it does seem very ETesc :lol. The cape does a good job of balancing it out IMO. Not many people are gonna display it like that thought are they? :wink1:

I wish we had more varied pics of the other profile too. I would love to see it from more we could dish more dirt out on it :monkey1
I don't see it that way, but hey ... I am NOT going to get all bent out of shape that you do ... lol