Star Trek: TOS/TWOK/Into Darkness head sculpts and uniforms

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Soooo, have any of these reached beyond the "thinking about" phase?

Yes, Sulu and the Klingon have been done and available for some time now. Chekhov and the Andorian are going to come after my 2001 Bowman project is over.
And I can attest to the accuracy of the Sulu sculpt;Spenser nailed George(wait;can I re-phrase that?)...P
This bump has some motivation;the package has arrived,so my set is complete(for the moment,anyway).Purchased full sets for Scotty and Kor;took about 45 minutes to prep the ankles on the Prometheus body to accept the boots,another 5 to adjust the neck and Scotty is complete.Kor will need a little tweaking, but I have to have a little fun here,right? Pix ASAP. Once more I tip my spiritual hat to Spenser,who has made this all possible;too bad more of our childhood dreams can't come true so easily(relatively speaking,of course)...PS
I am past due in thanking Spenser for the Klingon uniforms. I had all intentions of posting pix by now but am having problems adjusting the boots to work with the bodies I have as I didn't realize they would not be regular boots.
Fantastic Kor sculpt and work on the unis though!
I don't know if they'll be going back to offering the Trek heads like they did with Spock and such, but if I hear anything I'll surely pass it along.
Picked up an AA HT body for Kor this morning;should arrive middle of the week. Onward...PS
Took me a while, but here are pix of Scotty...

I had planned on a full series on how he went together, but Steven sent me a painted sculpt which meant that the toughest part was picking out hands.I settled on the un-gloved Adm. Piett hand,which A)match the color, and B)fit(which is not terribly surprising as he's on a Prometheus body).The shirt photographs very pink for some reason;in person it's dead-nuts-on bright red.He is now "on the bridge(shelf) with the rest of the crew,with a phaser in one hand and a bottle of Scotch(my wife's contribution) in the other...PS
Oops...damned photobucket...P
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Hey,the pix straightened out...Got the body for Kor(a DamToys "average"build).Uniform looks pretty good on it;not to buff(John Colicos was a very talented actor,but no body-builder).Now all I need are hands and a paint job...PS
Where we stand...

The uniform fits the DamToys body quite well.The hands are from Kaustic Plastik,AA sword gripping.Not wild about the fisted rt. hand;got a really weird thumb...

The base coat.Doesn't match the hands exactly(yet);dry blushing will correct that.Of course,I now have enough paint mixed to paint 8 or 9 Kilingons(it never rains...)...PS