Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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the episode really fell flat for me… sitting on a creatively rich franchise such as Star Wars, there is no excuse for such dull storytelling.
Give it a few months and it will probably go down to $34.99 just like the Season 1 boxset...

That's what I will probably wait for. I still haven't finished the season 1 boxset (I don't watch them on tv) and so I have some time before I need season 2. Was the second season better than the first?
That's what I will probably wait for. I still haven't finished the season 1 boxset (I don't watch them on tv) and so I have some time before I need season 2. Was the second season better than the first?

Umm, not to sound like a d**k, but were the OT films better than the prequels?

(In other words, IMHO, yes yes & YES!)
I gotta pick up both of these, I never got to watch more than two episodes, but they seem pretty good for a cartoon aimed for kids.
i just picked up season 2 DVD version. gotta say i'm disappointed in the lack of expanded directors cuts and the episode inside look featurettes that season 1 had. seems like they skimped on the special features this time around.
I happen to think S2 was better, both visually and story-wise:dunno

I've said it before here & don't know if anyone else feels this way, but the last season of Clone Wars has brought me back into Star Wars in a way the prequel feature films never did. If you haven't seen much of the show but are a SW fan of any sort, you really owe it to yourself to jump into Season 2.
Anyone think this guy looks a lot like Conan O'Brian?

TCW Season 2

Has anyone else picked this up? I bought a copy yesterday and opened it up. The production manual is entirely in spanish. Nothing on the packaging to indicate why. Anyone else get one like this?
I watched this week's episode not really expecting much, but am really intrigued by how this next story arc will turn. If anything, I hope they get to bust out Boba/Aurra Sing/Bossk as well somehow. I guess we'll have to wait and see
You know when it's a bad season of Clone Wars when the focus of the episodes goes Jar Jar, Padme, Ahsoka and C-3PO...hoping for some good action to prove me wrong...
I fell asleep sometime during R2's spa session... It was the Friday of a long week and I was exhausted. :thud:
I loved the first two seasons, but this show has lost it's way.

All of the jumping around has become very annoying at this point. I no longer know when the hell anything in this series takes place. Not to mention that the episodes that have aired since the Season 3 premiere just haven't been very good.