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Last night's episode was a flaming turd. Did anybody actually like it?

Yes, I get that the Hutt's are part of a crime syndicate, you don't have to make one of them look like Marlon Brando from the Godfather for me to get that.

I am unfamiliar with the other Jedi (Voos?) in the story, is he supposed to come off like a washed up stoner from a failed Seattle Grunge band?

Wonderful dialogue, Voos to Obi wan... "that's like, your opinion, Man"
Well, they brought back Gardulla the Hutt, after Jango Fett kills her in 'Bounty Hunter'...

I too would love to see Maul come back, cyborg or not...

As for next week's episode...Oh good...

Another Ahsoka/Padme episode...:sleep:sleep:sleep

I'm hoping for some flashback scenes of Darth Maul fighting people or training, either from the perception of the Zabraks, the sith, or Obi-Wan. They have the opportunity to show a whole new audience just how deadly Maul really was.
Last night's episode was a flaming turd. Did anybody actually like it?

Yes, I get that the Hutt's are part of a crime syndicate, you don't have to make one of them look like Marlon Brando from the Godfather for me to get that.

I am unfamiliar with the other Jedi (Voos?) in the story, is he supposed to come off like a washed up stoner from a failed Seattle Grunge band?

Wonderful dialogue, Voos to Obi wan... "that's like, your opinion, Man"

I hear ya. The last 5 minutes were really the only real enjoyable parts, and personally I kind of take issue that they make these bounty hunters almost equal to the jedi in fighting ability. Cad Bane should have been slaughtered in a situation like that.

All this EU stuff (not so much this show, but everything else) has diminished the perceived skill of a jedi. Jedi are killed too easily by non-jedi in this saga now. I mean I love Boba Fett as much as anybody else...but he should not be a physical threat to Mace Windu I'm sorry.
I hear ya. The last 5 minutes were really the only real enjoyable parts, and personally I kind of take issue that they make these bounty hunters almost equal to the jedi in fighting ability. Cad Bane should have been slaughtered in a situation like that.

All this EU stuff (not so much this show, but everything else) has diminished the perceived skill of a jedi. Jedi are killed too easily by non-jedi in this saga now. I mean I love Boba Fett as much as anybody else...but he should not be a physical threat to Mace Windu I'm sorry.


Yes, the original trilogy gave you the idea they were Legendary warriors, but by the end of Attack of the Clones they seemed more like cannon fodder, being killed en masse by Battle droids and bugs with guns. Clone Wars has gone ahead and made every adversary a difficult fight for the Jedi. I would think that 90% of the time the foes the Jedi faced would be easy kills, I would have thought that only Sith would be a real challenge for them.
Well, they brought back Gardulla the Hutt, after Jango Fett kills her in 'Bounty Hunter'...

I too would love to see Maul come back, cyborg or not...

As for next week's episode...Oh good...

Another Ahsoka/Padme episode...:sleep:sleep:sleep

You can pretty much toss out Bounty Hunter as canon.

I hear ya. The last 5 minutes were really the only real enjoyable parts, and personally I kind of take issue that they make these bounty hunters almost equal to the jedi in fighting ability. Cad Bane should have been slaughtered in a situation like that.

All this EU stuff (not so much this show, but everything else) has diminished the perceived skill of a jedi. Jedi are killed too easily by non-jedi in this saga now. I mean I love Boba Fett as much as anybody else...but he should not be a physical threat to Mace Windu I'm sorry.

This isn't EU. Everything you're seeing in the series is cannon. That's straight from GL. ;)
You can pretty much toss out Bounty Hunter as canon.

This isn't EU. Everything you're seeing in the series is cannon. That's straight from GL. ;)

I am under the impression that everything aside from the live action movies is EU. There are plenty of EU material that is canon, such as Shadows of the Empire. This show is canon, but still EU.
So, the Clone Wars has taken what WAS cool (Mandalorians & Jedi) and nerfed them, and you're expecting the show to make Maul COOLER??

Don't kid yourself, the big secret is that Maul turned to the Dark Side because he has daddy issues.
Quinlan Vos. What a let down really. I have enjoyed this character ever since he first appeared in the comics around 2001.

I was really hoping for something great involving him in the series. Guess that is what I get for getting my hopes up..

It's only the first time we have seen Vos, I'm sure there will be more to see of him in upcoming eps.
It's only the first time we have seen Vos, I'm sure there will be more to see of him in upcoming eps.

Yeah, that is what I am afraid of. I am worried that the more they show him the worse he will get.

My only positive hope is that Sideshow will make a figure of him since he has made it into the show. After all he was in their "fan's choice" poll all those years ago.
So, the Clone Wars has taken what WAS cool (Mandalorians & Jedi) and nerfed them, and you're expecting the show to make Maul COOLER??

Don't kid yourself, the big secret is that Maul turned to the Dark Side because he has daddy issues.

Why so negative though? The show isn't nearly as bad about it as most of the other EU.

Mace Windu, Yoda, Dooku, Ventress, Anakin, Obi Wan, and most of the other jedi like Kit Fisto have been awesome in my opinion. They have also introduced many other very cool characters, and the clones are great. It's really just the fights with the bounty hunters that get exaggerated really bad imo.

The jedi have been being shortchanged way before this show has come out. You can thank the Boba Fett fight with Vader, the Durge story, and several others for making jedi look weak. The benefit with them showing Darth Maul is that the characters fate has already been decided and his reputation is so that if they use him he's going to be shown in only badass circumstances. That is what everybody would expect to see.
I am under the impression that everything aside from the live action movies is EU. There are plenty of EU material that is canon, such as Shadows of the Empire. This show is canon, but still EU.

The animated series is to be considered on equal terms as the films. George Lucas in the latest issue of Insider:
I haven't limited myself with what stories I've wanted to tell; this is Star Wars, and I don't make a distinction between the series and the films. It's just a different format and a different delivery... ...Each week is a Star Wars feature, boiled down to 22 minutes.

The elitists tittybabies can cry, rant, pout and whine all they want. In the end, the man has final say over what's canon and what is not. They're his toys and it's his sandbox. :huh
Whats taking the shown down the tubes is a focus on 2nd and even 3rd tier characters dominating the stories with infantile morality tales slapped on for good measure.
Its like they got a bunch of teen age girls writing for the show who watched the star wars movies because it happened to be on tv while texting their girlfriends.
Unbelievably we've got another Ashoka and Padme episode coming!
The benefit with them showing Boba Fett is that the characters fate has already been decided and his reputation is so that if they use him he's going to be shown in only badass circumstances. That is what everybody would expect to see.


wait, what?? He's a what?? A little kid?? :slap

Yeah, nothing could possibly go wrong when George Lucas tries to create a backstory for something that was never intended to have a backstory.
The animated series is to be considered on equal terms as the films. George Lucas in the latest issue of Insider:

The elitists tittybabies can cry, rant, pout and whine all they want. In the end, the man has final say over what's canon and what is not. They're his toys and it's his sandbox. :huh

But didn't he also say that about the Clone Wars cartoon that came out years ago? Where you see what Mace Windu does to General Grevious? Because if they both are canon, then there are clearly contradictions that need to be worked out. But then again, it wouldn't be Star Wars if there were no contradictions.

I mean, again, I have no beef with the show. When the show is good, I think to myself "This is how Star Wars should be!" or "This should have happened in the movies." Some episodes are boring..especially this season...but I'll sit through some lame episodes if it will give us some new, familiar SW moments.
I loved the latest episode. Iloved seeing Nal hutta and the Hutt council. Who cares if the HUtts looked like famous gangsters. Loved Sy snootles and the fact she was singing Anything goes.(at least it sounded like it) The only nitpick I have is the DJ scratching on a turntable.
Let's get back on's the show we're talking about here, alright? Thanks...

My take on the recent episodes...

I dunno...sometimes I watch this show and think I'm not in the audience they're going for with this anymore. Some spoilers ahead for those who have'nt seen them...

On the Ashoka-centric "Assassins"...Other than Aurra Sing and the usual high level of art and animation, there wasn't much in this episode that worked for me...seemed like a "girl's night out" installment more than anything. And...there were a couple of moments that seemed to hit the right note with most, but really set me off a bit....

I'm all for the occasional touch or homage, but the two scenes heavy with it in that episode just went too far that way....the scene with Ashoka leaping onto Padme's bed, lightsaber lit ala Anakin in AOTC just missed the mark and took away some of the fire from that AOTC moment. My first thought was "Why doesn't this woman hire better security? Or at the very least, get locks on her bedroom doors..."

But more to the point...that bed-hopping scene in AOTC had a forbidden, brash flavor to it that effectively showed a great "character moment" for Anakin. The one in this CW episode was a diluted "Remember this?" kind of shot that felt less intense and more like it was about to turn into a slumber party..."Padme, what do you think of Anakin? Isn't he dreamy?" Ugh...

The scene with Ashoka visiting Yoda in his apartment had the same warmed-over feeling..a different setting to hear that same old Yoda-patter might've felt a little more original...

Then we move on to the Droid-focused "Evil Plans", featuring more hi jinks with Darkwing Duck, er, Cad Bain..who somehow managed to get his hat back after the end of last season. This one wasn't bad, but it was hard to get enthusiastic about an episode featuring droid spas (!) and dinner parties. And the torture scenes with Threepio were almost too damage from any of that? Odd...

"The Hunt for Ziro" was a decent one...I liked the Hutt scenes and sufer-dude Quinlan Vos wasn't as bad as I expected. No real edge to him like he has in the comics, but at least the show acknowledged his "object-reading" power....maybe he'll return in a future episode with a little less "dude" and more like the "comics" version of him...

I don't know if the show has been uneven this year as much as it's just trying out different story directions to shake up the entire series as a whole. I may not find some of these entries too entertaining, but I can appreciate the effort of them not cranking out the same old thing every week, but...

Or maybe I'm just too old for this particular ride....

I've always got those old novels and comics I can go back and read (along with the movies, of course) if this show gets too far off track for me...
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Good post. I agree with most of what you said, and hopefully Quinlos Vos' dialogue gets better because it was horrendous. But from what I've seen coming up in the second half of the series, it's going to be crazy and more mature-oriented. Savage Opress is a new character who looks like he is going to push this show's rating to the limit and he looks like the bona-fide villain this show needs to make things very interesting. In fact, as much as I want them to stop the lame "girly" episodes and themes, I do worry that if they show too many lightsaber duels and full-on battle episodes, the quicker they will lose their flare. I mean how often do we want to see Grevious fight kjedi just for him to escape at the very gets repetitive and makes the jedi seem incompetent. So I think if we all just hang in there, and let some side characters have a chance to give this show a unique area, good things are going to come out of it.

Other than that, the voice acting, the designs, the animations are all top-notch. The action scenes are steadily some of the best in any SW format, imo. Asaj Ventress and the jedi are great to watch, the bounty hunters as well (in fact, I think Cad Bane is the most boring out of all the bounty hunters on the show). Grevious could be done better, but he still has several cool moments. Again, the clones (who I thought would be the boring parts of the series) are so fun to watch and their personalities are drawn out perfectly.
At the end of the day a series should be based on its overall quality. Clone Wars has had us all trying to justify/lie to ourselves to want to like it when in actuality - out of the 50 odd episodes we've had so far - there's only maybe 10 really good ones.
The rest are either boring, repetitive or flat out lame...

Sad, sad, sad. When we have trailers/teasers of The Force Unleashed 2 and The Old Republic knocking our socks off with only a few minutes to fill, why should we suffer second rate story telling when there's this level of talent available? Oh, that's right... George has got anything to do with those other than signing off on them.

Bring on the "more adult" live action series... if it ever happens :(
Bring on the "more adult" live action series... if it ever happens :(

dont think it will :monkey2

i really want to like the cartoon- on some levels its so appealing but i still hate the way lucasfilm has crapped over darkhorses comic timeline (which was well thought out mainly) and that like the later eu i begin to feel that there isnt a second of time left between the films that nothing happens

i thought war was 90% boredom and 10% terror - anakin does even have time to poop!!