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Sounds promising... is Savage Opress really the characters name though? I know Lucas likes to be obvious with the Sith names... but this ones going a bit far :lol

Still, if Clancy's doing the voice he will be totally badass :lecture
Sounds promising... is Savage Opress really the characters name though? I know Lucas likes to be obvious with the Sith names... but this ones going a bit far :lol

Yup, really his name. But it's not pronounced with two short a's... ie "savage beast".

It's rhymes with "garage".

Waller... make the drive!!!! woot!
I just came home from the screening. I thought it was amazing! Took my nephew and we had a great time. Free Tee Shirts, posters, popcorn,soda, tattoos, gift cards for clone wars online game, and we won the General Grievous lightsaber along with the Clone Wars Character encyclopedia!

As for the movie/3 edited together episodes to air next month I was glued to the screen. This was cool and there was a moment at the end were the whole audience all let out a gasp. The rest of the season is wide open for some interesting turns.
After decades of filling the coffers of Uncle George, it was nice to have him give a little back to the fans with these Clone Wars advance screenings. Not only was the show free but, as DM said, we were given complimentary concessions, t-shirts, posters & other swag (besides what the lucky contest winners got).

Without mentioning any of the juicy spoilers, these next few episodes focus on Dooku, Ventress & other villains in a way we haven't seen before. While there was plenty of action, chills & death-defying thrills, IMHO I don't know if it eclipsed the best moments of last season. Although judging by what was shown in the Season 3 preview, it's likely the best is yet to come.

So, were Darth Madonna & I the only ones who attended this?
I printed out my pass to go but at the last minute I couldn't. At least I have a neat pass with my name on it as a souvenir. :)
Waiting to watch Season 3 when it comes out on Blu. That being said I love the look of this character. Its Darth Maul all over again which is fine with me.
Actually, Josh, when you see these next few episodes, you'll realize that Savage Opress is similar to Darth Maul only in appearance & training as a Sith apprentice.
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I'm waiting this next episod with this new vilain character it seem crazy. I'm fond of this season 3, more politics fight ,devious plot. I like it.:yess:
It recently occurred to me that the reason the show has been focusing so little on Anakin Skywalker is because actor Matt Lanter has been busy shooting 90210 & some feature film work. As a result, all the episodes we've been getting this season on Senate intrigue & away from the main characters.
That's one of the things I enjoy about CW, the fact that it deviates from many of the main characters and tries to focus on more obscure elements and characters.
The new Star Wars Insider has a complete breakdown of this three episode story arc-- interesting direction... and I like the "yellow eyes" shown at the end of the new trailer but I hope it's not a poorly designed swerve. To have actually change in a character is a good thing and I hope they don't play things safe just for purely financial /marketing reasons.
I was at the screening for this in Seattle. It was awesome, and got me excited for the Clone Wars again...

For anyone that was there, You may have seen me as the *really* Tall ARC trooper..