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Well that and doesn't Dooku mention not having battled/seen Kenobi or Anakin between the fight in AOTC and ROTS? So how do all these other battles, not to mention countless encounters with Grievous wash out with the films :huh

EDIT: Looks like Khev got it quoted already :lol

Saying these are canon is ridiculous as clearly there is very little concern for what follows it.

You mean lines like anakin skywalker " I thought you would be taller" to gg or the at least appearance that kenobi appears to be surprised that gg can split this arms!!
Those would be the ones... I'm not as versed in PT quotes but I still noticed a lot of little inconsistencies that certainly don't add up to "canon". Just seems stupid to include a series that clearly does not even try.

But, i'm sure stupid sounding Krayt Dragon calls and Vader saying Noooo is also canon so what does it really matter :lol :monkey2
if only life was so simple deciding for oneself what is "canon" or not...

i like to look at the saga as a grouping of legends from a long time ago told through the filters of many (whether it is C3po bringing the Ewoks up to speed, Obi Wan with his particular point of view, or whatever comic book / novel writer it is taking their turn)... the various interpretations provide something for everyone young and old. one couldn't ask for more ideal ingredients when creating a modern day mythos.
if only life was so simple deciding for oneself what is "canon" or not...

To be clear I don't really worry about what is official or what is not... but when you have the films being only considered canon for so long; to have a weird series like this tossed into the official mix is odd.

But for me I really only view the films as important to the overall story arc.
Technically, I prefer to include only the OT as canon, it's just my personal preference. Which isn't to say I don't enjoy the occasional Clone Wars episode.

Speaking of which, tonight's episode should be fun and lighthearted, seeing as how it focuses on Threepio and Artoo. My favorite episodes are the ones with them in it.
I think I read that for the next release of ROTS Anakin is now going to say, "My powers have doubled since the previous 50 times we fought, Dooku."


All I know is they better show how Palpatine was abducted/kidnapped and the Separatist fleet invasion. I assume this would be the series finale and a 3 part episode to boot. Actually looking forward to the series to end...:monkey3

To be honest I liked Tartakovsky clone wars ending story.
My only problem with the season so far is that we are 4 episodes in to a show called the CLONE Wars and we've had only about 10 minutes of clones.
When watching ROTS for the first time i also assumed Anakin meant his powers doubled since he met Dooku on Geonosis. Yet, he could have met him later during the Clone Wars for what i know. Besides, from the tone of their pre-fight conversation, there was alot of bragging from all the swordsmen involved.
When watching ROTS for the first time i also assumed Anakin meant his powers doubled since he met Dooku on Geonosis. Yet, he could have met him later during the Clone Wars for what i know. Besides, from the tone of their pre-fight conversation, there was alot of bragging from all the swordsmen involved.

exactly it sounds like they havnt met and that one of the reasons i disliked them meeting in the expanded universe esp as the more times someone fights someone it starts to get stupid ie o you have defeated me but i wont kill you and you wont kill me -
When watching ROTS for the first time i also assumed Anakin meant his powers doubled since he met Dooku on Geonosis. Yet, he could have met him later during the Clone Wars for what i know. Besides, from the tone of their pre-fight conversation, there was alot of bragging from all the swordsmen involved.

I believe it was Lucas' intent that the dialogue between Anakin and Dooku should reference the duel on Geonosis (especially with Obi-Wan's line "we will take him TOGETHER this time"). Since Anakin and Dooku have met and battled in the Clone Wars, they need to address the dialogue from ROTS - and I believe they will. There must be one huge, final confrontation between Anakin and Dooku in the Clone Wars, during which Anakin chooses, out of pride (one of Anakin's tragic flaws), to separate from Obi Wan in order to stop Dooku. Would be even better if there was a tragic consequence to this decision (death of Ahsoka?). After this battle, there should be a mission, arranged by Palpatine, during which Anakin's powers are literally doubled - perhaps by coming into contact with a Sith holocron? We really, REALLY need to see Palpatine grooming, coercing, corrupting his future apprentice. This would keep the flow of events in line with the dialogue in ROTS and present some great character development. So much rich material, the writers need to start mining it!
I liked the new episode,one shot and done,now onto the next planet.
I know the droids are continuing their story line with the clones,but it wrapped up nicely.
When watching ROTS for the first time i also assumed Anakin meant his powers doubled since he met Dooku on Geonosis. Yet, he could have met him later during the Clone Wars for what i know. Besides, from the tone of their pre-fight conversation, there was alot of bragging from all the swordsmen involved.

exactly it sounds like they havnt met and that one of the reasons i disliked them meeting in the expanded universe esp as the more times someone fights someone it starts to get stupid ie o you have defeated me but i wont kill you and you wont kill me -

He does say "since the last time" that is an undetermined amount of times

"My powers have doubled" pretty much just boasting but he hasn't defeated Dooku yet so obviously his skills aren't the same otherwise he'd lose again.
The Alice in Wonderland/Pan's Labyrinth episode was okay, but didn't really have much of a Star Wars feel to it.
He does say "since the last time" that is an undetermined amount of times

"My powers have doubled" pretty much just boasting but he hasn't defeated Dooku yet so obviously his skills aren't the same otherwise he'd lose again.

:exactly:If you allow yourself not to be so hardheaded with what's canon or not in the SW universe, it's not really a big deal and can be taken that way.
:exactly:If you allow yourself not to be so hardheaded with what's canon or not in the SW universe, it's not really a big deal and can be taken that way.

But that's the sad part isn't it. A/ tragically as a grown man I do care about what's cannon and hate when it's ruined and b/ lucasfilm and the people creating for it dont seem to care about a.

I just edit my own cannon but I reAlly wanted to like this series and some of the elements are great but why couldn't they work with conunity like the original mini did ?