Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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There must be one huge, final confrontation between Anakin and Dooku in the Clone Wars, during which Anakin chooses, out of pride (one of Anakin's tragic flaws), to separate from Obi Wan in order to stop Dooku.

That would certainly help demonstrate Filoni is indeed taking great care of movie cannon when developping his story arcs.
I believe it was Lucas' intent that the dialogue between Anakin and Dooku should reference the duel on Geonosis (especially with Obi-Wan's line "we will take him TOGETHER this time"). Since Anakin and Dooku have met and battled in the Clone Wars, they need to address the dialogue from ROTS - and I believe they will. There must be one huge, final confrontation between Anakin and Dooku in the Clone Wars, during which Anakin chooses, out of pride (one of Anakin's tragic flaws), to separate from Obi Wan in order to stop Dooku. Would be even better if there was a tragic consequence to this decision (death of Ahsoka?). After this battle, there should be a mission, arranged by Palpatine, during which Anakin's powers are literally doubled - perhaps by coming into contact with a Sith holocron? We really, REALLY need to see Palpatine grooming, coercing, corrupting his future apprentice. This would keep the flow of events in line with the dialogue in ROTS and present some great character development. So much rich material, the writers need to start mining it!

If Ahsoka dies at Dooku's hands in the CW then Anakin's lost arm would seem to be a trivial reason for "revenge." I know you were just brainstorming, and doing a nice job, but I really don't expect the show's writers or Lucas to put near the thought your average fan does in how to sync the series with the movies. I'd be happy to be proven wrong of course.
Didn't really care for the the "underground" mess, in fact, the episode itself was pretty dull. The clones were the bright spot, especially Commander Wolffe. He's turned into such a badass after his run-in with Asajj Ventress. Something about his mannerisms and tone of voice have such a sinister, almost Kratos-like feel to it.
i am always the first to defend the show as being for the 10 year old within, but what 10 year old wouldn't want to see more clones? i don't think the writers really know their audience and perhaps write down to them at times.
I do see all your critical points but as a dedicated grown up now mid-thirty star wars nerd, I might throw in my 2 cents:
I lived years and years without ANY new stuff of people fighting with lightsabers or using the force.
I take what I can get. I even watch those OR cinematic trailers over and over.

As CW is mainly produced for kids to support Hasbro stuff sales (and it really is nothing more, nothing less!) I am fine with the result.
High class CGI battle action, some sort of story I can somehow link to my SW universe and whambam, I'm satisfied!
So is it the standard operations that have the first half of seasons be more foo-foo with the darker stuff being saved for the second half? It's almost like the past couple of seasons have been that way. It's almost like they're trying to sell toys to the younger group the first half of the season, then giving the older crowd what they want for the second half.
Oh for gods sake, wording in relation to the PT doesnt matter, the CW is betrer than the PT anyway.

Unless Boba has a sex change in this series, nothing i've seen is a big deal to undermine Existing canon.

What, you don't care that they completely destroyed the Mandalorians?

They used to be really cool, but then they decided to make them pussies

Stupid mother____ing pacifists, wtf? That's not at all like the Mandalorians should be.

Doesn't help that they made Boba into a whiny little _____
Didn't really care for the the "underground" mess, in fact, the episode itself was pretty dull. The clones were the bright spot, especially Commander Wolffe. He's turned into such a badass after his run-in with Asajj Ventress. Something about his mannerisms and tone of voice have such a sinister, almost Kratos-like feel to it.

Agreed the underground stuff with the droids was kind of lame but at least it was over pretty quick. I did like seeing Wolffe, Sinker, and Boost in the new armor though
I do see all your critical points but as a dedicated grown up now mid-thirty star wars nerd, I might throw in my 2 cents:
I lived years and years without ANY new stuff of people fighting with lightsabers or using the force.
I take what I can get. I even watch those OR cinematic trailers over and over.

As CW is mainly produced for kids to support Hasbro stuff sales (and it really is nothing more, nothing less!) I am fine with the result.
High class CGI battle action, some sort of story I can somehow link to my SW universe and whambam, I'm satisfied!

I wouldn't worry about it. If there were no Star Wars on television, they'd be _____ing about having nothing to _____ about. :lol
I do see all your critical points but as a dedicated grown up now mid-thirty star wars nerd, I might throw in my 2 cents:
I lived years and years without ANY new stuff of people fighting with lightsabers or using the force.
I take what I can get. I even watch those OR cinematic trailers over and over.

As CW is mainly produced for kids to support Hasbro stuff sales (and it really is nothing more, nothing less!) I am fine with the result.
High class CGI battle action, some sort of story I can somehow link to my SW universe and whambam, I'm satisfied!

I agree with you there.I to am happy with what I can could be done better,but you know all the complaining wont be happy and enjoy every little bit of the star wars world we can get.
This shouldbe turned into just the Clone Wars cartoon thread. Is the live-action series even happening still?

Anyway, I agree with whoever said this show starts slow and gets better towards the 2nd half every season now it seems. This season got off to another slow start, the first arc wasn't terrible but the show should have started off on a more grande note not something we have seen all over the previews. It was cool to see Ackbar and the story with the prince was cute I guess, but the shark dude was lame and underwater fight scenes don't do it for me. At all.

The droid arc looks like it will be a boring one. I love r2-D2 as much as the next guy, but I don't really have a sense of adventure watching two droids clumsily get into stupid situations repeatedly. As I said, it was great seeing the Wolfpack and seeing the transformation of Commander Wolffe as a character both physically and emotionally. But other than that, can we get on to the clone stories and some lightsaber fights? Let's see Captain Rex, Gree, Mace, Asajj, Savage, Boba Fett, Cody, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Bly, etc.
This shouldbe turned into just the Clone Wars cartoon thread. Is the live-action series even happening still?

It's on hold indefinitely until they figure out new ways to do the CGI, or less expensive ways of doing it, so I guess it kind of is a Clone Wars cartoon thread. :(
It's on hold indefinitely until they figure out new ways to do the CGI, or less expensive ways of doing it, so I guess it kind of is a Clone Wars cartoon thread. :(

It's not going to happen. I'll be shocked of a live-action Star Wars show ever sees the light of day.

They should use cutscenes in the way that Force Unleashed used them and just make a new show in that fashion.
It's not going to happen. I'll be shocked of a live-action Star Wars show ever sees the light of day.

They should use cutscenes in the way that Force Unleashed used them and just make a new show in that fashion.

I'd definitely settle for a CGI style show with a realistic art style as opposed to live action, actually, I think that I would prefer it.
i would totally be down for a Forced Unleashed cut scene approach for a show (provided nothing else from the Force Unleashed dribbles through).