Star Wars Live Action and Clone Wars TV shows

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Honestly I think they should. Heck this type of animation has been on air since 2008. And they have been making improvments each season....I think. :dunno

Oh don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the Clone Wars animation style. Actually, I love it. I think it is unique while still making huge strides in realistic movements and facial expressions. Also, many characters look much cooler in animated form like this. Mace Windu looks much more badass in animated form than Samuel L Jackson's face. Savage Opress probably wouldnt look as imposing in live-action.
Oh don't get me wrong, I don't dislike the Clone Wars animation style. Actually, I love it. I think it is unique while still making huge strides in realistic movements and facial expressions. Also, many characters look much cooler in animated form like this. Mace Windu looks much more badass in animated form than Samuel L Jackson's face. Savage Opress probably wouldnt look as imposing in live-action.

I know what you mean. :duff

I'm guessing it might take longer and more $$ for the FU style type animation.

You see I could love the thrawn trilogy on the cw animation style. Or shadows of the empire or in fact a rogue squadron cartoon
This is called cross marketing i believe. With TPM 3D just around the corner, mister George gotta make sure kids won't miss it.
Great, just a few short days after I announce Maul as the one PT character to survive with his coolness unscathed. :slap :lol

I won't judge until the episodes come out. I thought the Savage arc was great, even if his name was stupid. :rotfl
Except the Clone Wars already destroyed the Mandalorian culture, so that stuff is all thrown out.

So Lucas can release it in a coupe of years time along
With a series that contradicts this one so he can sell some
More toys.

Afterall hes done it once......
Yeah, Maul returning is very weak. Don't care what galaxy you're in... if you're cut in half and fall down a giant shaft your ass is dead :lecture