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Maybe Maul forced his body back together?
Anyone who has previously said they ignore the Expanded Universe and Clone Wars has no right to complain about this.

Everyone else can go nuts. I, on the other hand can't wait :D
I wonder if he'll have his own lower torso reattached just to crap all over the Visionaries story and Cyborb Maul PF. :lol

I've got that PF, and its awesome.

Either way when a cool character like Maul gets killed off so quick, while Jar Jar who actually caused the Clone Wars gets to live, something is very wrong.

So i welcome this.
I feel pretty indifferent about this so far. Maybe it's just because I've been so underwhelmed with this season so far, I don't really care what they do right now:dunno
I've only had two problems with this show.

1. In-consistant timeline

Episodes will jump back and forth over time, thinkgs like The Rodian Ohno being alive when he died previously is confusing.

Having the Rookie trilogy done seperatley and having done in an in-proper order is annoying especially when watching the show on Blu-Ray

2. Political heavy episodes
OMG i just realized a bit of Trivia.

I'm currently watching the "voyage of temptation" episode.

Obi-Wan is walking around a table with a mini spider droid trying to find who the droid will not attack, and uncover that person as the traitor.

He said to one of them... "it seems to like you"

This is the same as a sequence in "The Trouble with Tribbles" Star Trek Episode even that quote above.
This show "borrows" heavily from everything around it.

Another example: Riff Tamson the man-shark is killed just like Brody blowing up Jaws (minus the "smile you sunava...").
The only way Maul's return works is if it's a revenge plot against Sidious.
This show "borrows" heavily from everything around it.

Another example: Riff Tamson the man-shark is killed just like Brody blowing up Jaws (minus the "smile you sunava...").

yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of that too. They always wanna pay some homage to something every episode rather than doing something new for themselves:thud:
it would be cool if they paid homage to The Empire Strikes Back and gave us a storyline that we could sink our teeth into.
Maul looks cool, I'll say that. Hopefully his arc isn't a total dud and he takes part in some badass fight scenes. I want him to get revenge on Obi Wan, obviously he won't kill him, but he can certainly kick his ass. But Savage Opress has won me over so I'm kind of conflicted about this.
Maul looks cool, I'll say that. Hopefully his arc isn't a total dud and he takes part in some badass fight scenes. I want him to get revenge on Obi Wan, obviously he won't kill him, but he can certainly kick his ass. But Savage Opress has won me over so I'm kind of conflicted about this.

Maul could kill the only woman Obi-Wan loved, Dutchess Satine. That'll learn him for cutting him in half.
Maul could kill the only woman Obi-Wan loved, Dutchess Satine. That'll learn him for cutting him in half.

Hell yeah. I hope he does damage in some major form. Lucas has alot to make up for with the way he killed off the PT's best character. Let Maul kill a jedi, or kick Obi-Wan's and Anakin's behind only to be saved by other jedi, maybe kill some big name clones, defeat Dooku, or even threaten Sidious. I just hope Savage doesn't get lost in all this Maul hype.
So Darth Maul is back... Figures out how to live after getting cut in half, falling down a shaft with no immediate medical attention.... Where does this leave the whole "there can only be two Sith" since Tyrannus and Sidious are still in league with one another? They got around Grevious by making him a cyborg trained by Dooku and Asajj with the whole she is only Force sensitive and never actually a Sith but what happens here?
I never really understood Asajj. Sith or not, she had red sabers. No un-Sith should have red sabers. Just confuses the whole thing.

Then again, there can be as many Sith as you want and still maintain the rule: master and apprentice... because the apprentice can be the master to his own apprentice, and so on....

What makes you a "Sith" again?
So Darth Maul is back... Figures out how to live after getting cut in half, falling down a shaft with no immediate medical attention.... Where does this leave the whole "there can only be two Sith" since Tyrannus and Sidious are still in league with one another? They got around Grevious by making him a cyborg trained by Dooku and Asajj with the whole she is only Force sensitive and never actually a Sith but what happens here?

Asajj is an Acolyte if i remember correctly, not a sith more of a skilled servent. They're the equivilent of ones who make coffee runs for the Sith.

As for Maul, he could've been in a Coma and not an active Sith, or ressurected i dunno, i'm just hapoy thay Maul will be back, hopefully to kick ass
So Darth Maul is back... Figures out how to live after getting cut in half, falling down a shaft with no immediate medical attention.... Where does this leave the whole "there can only be two Sith" since Tyrannus and Sidious are still in league with one another? They got around Grevious by making him a cyborg trained by Dooku and Asajj with the whole she is only Force sensitive and never actually a Sith but what happens here?

Well...characters in Star Wars tend to come back. It's not like this is the first time a character who has appeared dead in every possible way has returned. And as far as the two sith, clearly nobody knew Maul was alive, so Sidious just moved on. It'll be interesting to see how that changes now because Maul SHOULD be stronger than Asajj and Savage,maybe even Dooku. So he'll be more skilled than the acolytes.
They will probably kill oppress off quickly and stupidly let maul face sidious and die after a huge build up.

It's a terrible idea and someone really needs to slap gl. Hard.

Oh and as the whole clone emperor I hated it in 91 and I hate it now. qouting Filoni with:
"There's a lot of ground that has not been covered as far as Darth Maul is concerned, so there's a lot of room to grow with him," Filoni says. "It's all balanced with, 'Boy, we've gotta make this really good because this is a really big deal.'"

I myself agree 1000% with Galactiboy!
Yeah, Maul returning is very weak. Don't care what galaxy you're in... if you're cut in half and fall down a giant shaft your ass is dead :lecture
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