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Mike, you may not be too far off. I could see that. Lucas seems to think that's what we want. People wanted more of Darth Maul in Episode II and III. Not now. Now he's spoon feeding us these ridiculous stories about Darth Maul's brother which is boring. Zzz. Patton Oswalt does a good bit on this type of stuff with old George Lucas.
So how long until we see Jango Fett return and find out that it was one of his Clones on Geonosis instead of him? Or how long until we see Qui-Gon Jinn return because he figured out how to heal from a lightsaber through the chest? None of that is dumber than Maul being able to survive being cut in half.

I was always fairly meh on this show but watched it here and there because it seemed at one point to be taking itself seriously but the last season was a little all over the place IMHO and next season with Maul seems to be heading down a worse path.

I always wondered what it meant when Obi-Wan said that he would become more powerful after dying. I mean I guess it's nice to be able to communicate with people after dying, but having that ability isn't exactly "more powerful than you could possibly imagine"
Despite the old testament older fans who may dislike the character as well as Maul coming back, they are both going to be successful as far as the show will be considered. I think both have plenty of mileage left before the show ends for good.Just my .02

I will agree with you on this... I may think its silly, but it will probably go over like gangbusters. And will lead to more action figures, statues and what-nots with Maul's face on it.

Viva el bankroll!!!
I will agree with you on this... I may think its silly, but it will probably go over like gangbusters. And will lead to more action figures, statues and what-nots with Maul's face on it.

Viva el bankroll!!!

It is silly. But it always has been, in regards to the idea of a character coming back from "death". Hell, Anakin Skywalker had no limbs and was on fire. But he lived. General Grevious is a sack of...what exactly? But he's being kept alive. The emperor came back from being dead, as did Boba Fett. i just don't see why people complain that they brought Maul back. I mean we all think he was way underused, and the prequels screwed the overall storyline up anyway, so why not bring Maul back in my opinion.

But the most reason for optimism: New fight scenes featuring Darth Maul. He's going to look OG when his deadly style gets translated into animated form.
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Grievous was actually surgically made that way. Dooku had his shuttle sabotaged so it crashed, while he was out they basically injured him more so they could put him in a droid body.
We didn't see a dead Maul. We saw him cut in half by an object that cauterizes as it cuts, and kicked down a large chute (much the same as Luke in ESB which nobody has a problem with). I think this is just more BS OT babies whining about new Star Wars stuff.
We didn't see a dead Maul. We saw him cut in half by an object that cauterizes as it cuts, and kicked down a large chute (much the same as Luke in ESB which nobody has a problem with). I think this is just more BS OT babies whining about new Star Wars stuff.

Is this opposite day or something? I'm confused... so cutting someone in half (as long as it cauterizes) doesn't kill them. Thanks for sharing your medical expertise :lol

And its not like he just cut off his legs, that ____ went through vital organs.

Which is kind of funny if you think about it; that Visionaries Maul is a bad guy with no genitals; seems having those clipped would have calmed him down.
Is this opposite day or something? I'm confused... so cutting someone in half (as long as it cauterizes) doesn't kill them. Thanks for sharing your medical expertise :lol

And its not like he just cut off his legs, that ____ went through vital organs.

Which is kind of funny if you think about it; that Visionaries Maul is a bad guy with no genitals; seems having those clipped would have calmed him down.

Grievous didn't have much of his ____ and he was still alive. It's funny you're arguing this type of stuff in a world where artificial limbs with feeling, lightsabers, hyperspace and force powers exist. :huh

To toss some reality at you, I arrived at an accident scene on a coroner call where a man had been pinned to a wall by a car, completely bisected at the bottom of the rib cage. He lived for almost an hour before dying.

Given the speed in which Palpatine got from Coruscant to the outer rim Mustafar to save Anakin, breezing over to Naboo to save Maul would've been considerably faster. :wink1:
Grievous didn't have much of his ____ and he was still alive. It's funny you're arguing this type of stuff in a world where artificial limbs with feeling, lightsabers, hyperspace and force powers exist. :huh

To toss some reality at you, I arrived at an accident scene on a coroner call where a man had been pinned to a wall by a car, completely bisected at the bottom of the rib cage. He lived for almost an hour before dying.

Given the speed in which Palpatine got from Coruscant to the outer rim Mustafar to save Anakin, breezing over to Naboo to save Maul would've been considerably faster. :wink1:

Okay, point taken. I'll concede fictional possibility... of course anything is possible if you want it bad enough. But it is still damn silly to bring back a character who it was clear that the intention was for him to be dead.

Excerpt from the script:
The SITH LORD smiles as he goes in for the kill. At the last moment, OBI-WAN jumps up out of the pit, calls QUI-GON's lightsaber to hi, throwing DARTH MAUL off. The young JEDI swings with a vengeance, cutting the SITH down. DARTH MAUL falls into the melting pit to his death.
Regardless of what the script says, we saw Qui Gon die. We didn't see Maul die, we saw him left to die, much the same as Anakin was left to die on Mustafar in ROTS (and yet survived). I'll take the "wait and see" approach. If it seems like a cheesy attempt to gain viewers, that'll be blatantly obvious, and I'll be more than happy to point that out. If it's worked in via a well thought out storyline, it will be fine.
Regardless of what the script says, we saw Qui Gon die. We didn't see Maul die, we saw him left to die, much the same as Anakin was left to die on Mustafar in ROTS (and yet survived). I'll take the "wait and see" approach. If it seems like a cheesy attempt to gain viewers, that'll be blatantly obvious, and I'll be more than happy to point that out. If it's worked in via a well thought out storyline, it will be fine.

Seeing someone get cut in half and then have their body fall from a great height is seeing someone die.

Getting cut in half meant he spine was severed, along with his intestines and probably some major organs. You can't survive from that. And that's if the fall doesn't kill him or there isn't something bad at the end of that pit, in fact I think that's a melting pit.
Seeing someone get cut in half and then have their body fall from a great height is seeing someone die.

Getting cut in half meant he spine was severed, along with his intestines and probably some major organs. You can't survive from that. And that's if the fall doesn't kill him or there isn't something bad at the end of that pit, in fact I think that's a melting pit.

Again, you're arguing real life against fantasy. You don't survive being left for hours after having your arm and legs cut off and then having 3rd degree burns over your entire body. Maul isn't human so who knows what his organs look like. Additionally, in a "world" where artificial fingertips have feeling, it's not hard to think that artificial organs were in use and working (look to Grievous).

The fall aspect is irrelevant unless you're going to include Luke's fall from ESB.
It does say melting pit in the scipt...

Again, I can concede anything is possible in Star Wars, but clearly the intention all around was for Maul to die. And expecting a well thought out resurrection is probably a bit much... but you never know. Hopefully I can come back and post about how awesome it was and how I was totally wrong :lol
Again, you're arguing real life against fantasy. You don't survive being left for hours after having your arm and legs cut off and then having 3rd degree burns over your entire body. Maul isn't human so who knows what his organs look like. Additionally, in a "world" where artificial fingertips have feeling, it's not hard to think that artificial organs were in use and working (look to Grievous).

The fall aspect is irrelevant unless you're going to include Luke's fall from ESB.

All logic based on the movies suggests that Maul should be dead.

As for Anakin---people in the real world have survived getting their limbs cut off, Anakin had an even better chance of surviving since they were cauterized by the lightsaber, which means he wouldn't bleed to death. As for the burns, people have survived severe burns like that also. Even then, you have to consider that Palpatine showed up pretty soon afterwards, and it looked like he was using the Force to help keep him alive, if not that then he certainly had some medical help with him.
The show for me has always had it's ups and downs. I've loved some episodes and I've hated some. But bringing Maul back drastically lowers this show's likeability in my opinion. He died. I hate it when they resurrect characters that clearly died. Even if he survived being cut in half, he fell down a freaking shaft and had to have smooshed into jelly upon landing.

What's next? Dooku's head on a mechanical body in a post ROTS story? Mace survived the lightning and fall on Coruscant?
All logic based on the movies suggests that Maul should be dead.

As for Anakin---people in the real world have survived getting their limbs cut off, Anakin had an even better chance of surviving since they were cauterized by the lightsaber, which means he wouldn't bleed to death. As for the burns, people have survived severe burns like that also. Even then, you have to consider that Palpatine showed up pretty soon afterwards, and it looked like he was using the Force to help keep him alive, if not that then he certainly had some medical help with him.

Anakin wasn't just dismembered, but had severe burns over ALL his body. Med packs are out of the question as he only had one arm, and that was keeping him from rolling into the lava. Arguing about the cauterization is my same point with Maul. We know looking at Grievous, that he's surviving with just a heart and lungs... all of which, would be undamaged where Maul was bisected. As for Palpatine showing up, you don't think he'd show up faster to Naboo, than the outer rim planet of Mustafar? :huh
I believe Naboo is also on the Outer Rim which is why it was so close to Tatooine.

Near, not in:
Naboo (pronounced /nə'bu/) was a planet that was the sector capital of the Chommell Sector near the Outer Rim territories.

So my point still stands, Coruscant to Naboo would've been faster. :moon

Coruscant: 9/K, Naboo: 17/0 & Mustafar: 19/L

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