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The show for me has always had it's ups and downs. I've loved some episodes and I've hated some. But bringing Maul back drastically lowers this show's likeability in my opinion. He died. I hate it when they resurrect characters that clearly died. Even if he survived being cut in half, he fell down a freaking shaft and had to have smooshed into jelly upon landing.

What's next? Dooku's head on a mechanical body in a post ROTS story? Mace survived the lightning and fall on Coruscant?

Call me crazy, but I always thought Mace could have definitely survived that. As powerful as he was, he should be able to survive from the lightning he absorbed, it didn't kill Luke in RotJ or even a near-dead Vader in FU. And even though he fell, and didn't necessarily jump out of the window, I don't see why at some point he couldn't re-focus and grab a ledge or a moving plane going by like Anakin has done several times. Just something that irks me is I feel we intentionally don't see Mace Wind die. It's Mace ****ing Windu. If I don't see a lifeless, flattened corpse there is always a strong possibility that dude is alive imo.
I call bullsheet on the CW, Naboo is hella far from Mon Calamari! It would have been quicker to send clones than Gungans. :lol Also Deep Core. :duh
Anakin wasn't just dismembered, but had severe burns over ALL his body. Med packs are out of the question as he only had one arm, and that was keeping him from rolling into the lava. Arguing about the cauterization is my same point with Maul. We know looking at Grievous, that he's surviving with just a heart and lungs... all of which, would be undamaged where Maul was bisected. As for Palpatine showing up, you don't think he'd show up faster to Naboo, than the outer rim planet of Mustafar? :huh

Burns are painful, but they didn't injure any of his main organs. I don't know what your point was about medpacks, I'm saying Palpatine had some medical services with him when he came for Anakin.
And as for cauterization, there's a big difference between losing a limb and losing half your body. Also, it doesn't matter if Naboo is closer or not--Palpatine just didn't arrive on Naboo until much later, whereas he sensed Anakin was in trouble after his battle with Yoda and left immediately.

And with Grievous--that was mostly surgical, so they precisely did all that work, he wasn't as severely injured in the shuttle crash.
Call me crazy, but I always thought Mace could have definitely survived that. As powerful as he was, he should be able to survive from the lightning he absorbed, it didn't kill Luke in RotJ or even a near-dead Vader in FU. And even though he fell, and didn't necessarily jump out of the window, I don't see why at some point he couldn't re-focus and grab a ledge or a moving plane going by like Anakin has done several times. Just something that irks me is I feel we intentionally don't see Mace Wind die. It's Mace ****ing Windu. If I don't see a lifeless, flattened corpse there is always a strong possibility that dude is alive imo.

I think Mace could have survived also, Jedi can usually survive long jumps anyways, but I've always wondered why Jedi don't make themselves float around, since if they can lift objects and starships around, lifting a person shouldn't be a problem at all.
Burns are painful, but they didn't injure any of his main organs. I don't know what your point was about medpacks, I'm saying Palpatine had some medical services with him when he came for Anakin.
And as for cauterization, there's a big difference between losing a limb and losing half your body. Also, it doesn't matter if Naboo is closer or not--Palpatine just didn't arrive on Naboo until much later, whereas he sensed Anakin was in trouble after his battle with Yoda and left immediately.

And with Grievous--that was mostly surgical, so they precisely did all that work, he wasn't as severely injured in the shuttle crash.

Officially. We'll see how the show has it play out. I wouldn't be surprised if he had Maul collected and brought to Coruscant to be fixed. He existed on Naboo for many years as a Sith, so who'se to say he couldn't have already seen how this would pan out and have already had the necessary means and resources ready to act on Naboo? :huh

I think Mace could have survived also, Jedi can usually survive long jumps anyways, but I've always wondered why Jedi don't make themselves float around, since if they can lift objects and starships around, lifting a person shouldn't be a problem at all.

So wait, now you're saying Mace would've survived the Force lightning and the fall, thousands of feet, but Maul wouldn't have survived a drop down a chute? :lol
I think Mace could have survived also, Jedi can usually survive long jumps anyways, but I've always wondered why Jedi don't make themselves float around, since if they can lift objects and starships around, lifting a person shouldn't be a problem at all.

So we've agreed that tk is possible. that jedi ( and by extension, sith) CAN choose to levitate themselves if they so choose, right? ( This is how the Eu explains long jumps. they slow themselves with the force)

so maul could of conceivably slowed his fall using the force.

Getting cut in Half dosn't kill you. the loss of blood from the wound kills you. People can survive for hours in this state. The fact that his lower half was cauterized makes it likely that he could survive.

He would eventually die from organ failure, however. unless that is fixed with prosthetic. which is entirely possible.

it's all irreverent to me. Maul dies some time later, by getting shot in the head by Owen Lars as far as I am concerned.
So we've agreed that tk is possible. that jedi ( and by extension, sith) CAN choose to levitate themselves if they so choose, right? ( This is how the Eu explains long jumps. they slow themselves with the force)

so maul could of conceivably slowed his fall using the force.

Getting cut in Half dosn't kill you. the loss of blood from the wound kills you. People can survive for hours in this state. The fact that his lower half was cauterized makes it likely that he could survive.

He would eventually die from organ failure, however. unless that is fixed with prosthetic. which is entirely possible.

it's all irreverent to me. Maul dies some time later, by getting shot in the head by Owen Lars as far as I am concerned.

I guess it depends on how long he would live after being cut in half--if he's got a human like anatomy, then his stomach would have been opened and probably his diaphragm. A stomach wound would be bad enough, so it's a mystery whether he would have survived at all.

As for levitation--realistically they should be able to levitate themselves, but they never do, so I'm guessing that's just a stupid restriction by Lucas. Remember the cartoon series, Dooku levitated himself, but they were also able to move around huge spaceships with the force which they never do in the the movies.
I wouldn't be surprised if he had Maul collected and brought to Coruscant to be fixed. He existed on Naboo for many years as a Sith, so who'se to say he couldn't have already seen how this would pan out and have already had the necessary means and resources ready to act on Naboo? :huh

Fantastic point although what punches a hole through that logic is AOTC and ROTS. Now in AOTC he (Sidious) has an apprentice in Dooku, why would he have gone through all the trouble to save Maul only not to ultilize him? Also in ROTS, Anakin is saved by the Vader process but it didn't take long, If Maul who was in considerably less damage was in fact saved it would have taken far less time and meant he'd be back in action on Sidious' behalf. Even if he was kept in the shadows, his rage and determination to attack at Obi-Wan at bare minimum would have pushed forward a faster confrontation that would have been shown in this season since we are approaching ROTS timeframe.

Sidious saved Vader and then used Vader for 20 years. Why would he have saved Maul only to simply discard him?

Now if it were me, I'd write that Maul was saved by a similar Grevious process 1.0 if you will and that Sidious knowing his prize would be Anakin, saved him aside, allowed him to rage and train only to dispatch him against Anakin secretly to prove the boy's worth. When Anakin prevails, it finalizes his thoughts on him and the recruiting process in full hits for ROTS because he knows that in tapping into his darker side that Anakin can even overcome a Sith lord, a trial he proves again against Dooku and tie up like these are Sith trials similar to the Jedi ones. That Sidious purposefully kept Maul under the guise that Obi-Wan was dead to not distract him and that in their battle Anakin lets slip that his master is in fact alive, giving Anakin the opening to overcome him even though he isn't at the level and that is what gives Sidious the false hope that eventually ends up with the showdown on Mustafar where Vader loses because he wasn't fully ready. So that the audience thinks that in the time between ROTS and ANH, Vader spent time not only hunting Jedi but also training and mastering the dark side of the Force.

But I don't write for LFL.
Fantastic point although what punches a hole through that logic is AOTC and ROTS. Now in AOTC he (Sidious) has an apprentice in Dooku, why would he have gone through all the trouble to save Maul only not to ultilize him?

As a back-up? Henchmen? Whatever? Maybe Maul isn't as efficient with his biomechanical lower half?

Also in ROTS, Anakin is saved by the Vader process but it didn't take long, If Maul who was in considerably less damage was in fact saved it would have taken far less time and meant he'd be back in action on Sidious' behalf. Even if he was kept in the shadows, his rage and determination to attack at Obi-Wan at bare minimum would have pushed forward a faster confrontation that would have been shown in this season since we are approaching ROTS timeframe.

Which I'm guessing is what they're playing on in the series. Maul was patient enough to wait as long as he did before the attack on Naboo.

Sidious saved Vader and then used Vader for 20 years. Why would he have saved Maul only to simply discard him?

We don't know if he did. :huh

Now if it were me, I'd write that Maul was saved by a similar Grevious process 1.0 if you will and that Sidious knowing his prize would be Anakin, saved him aside, allowed him to rage and train only to dispatch him against Anakin secretly to prove the boy's worth. When Anakin prevails, it finalizes his thoughts on him and the recruiting process in full hits for ROTS because he knows that in tapping into his darker side that Anakin can even overcome a Sith lord, a trial he proves again against Dooku and tie up like these are Sith trials similar to the Jedi ones. That Sidious purposefully kept Maul under the guise that Obi-Wan was dead to not distract him and that in their battle Anakin lets slip that his master is in fact alive, giving Anakin the opening to overcome him even though he isn't at the level and that is what gives Sidious the false hope that eventually ends up with the showdown on Mustafar where Vader loses because he wasn't fully ready. So that the audience thinks that in the time between ROTS and ANH, Vader spent time not only hunting Jedi but also training and mastering the dark side of the Force.

But I don't write for LFL.

Personally, I would've had Maul come back in all 3 prequels to replace Dooku. :huh
As a back-up? Henchmen? Whatever? Maybe Maul isn't as efficient with his biomechanical lower half?

Do we know they are going with visionaries for this? Since Lucas wants him back I would imagine that Lucas will do something else that he comes up with at least conceptually given his history.

Personally, I would've had Maul come back in all 3 prequels to replace Dooku. :huh

I probably would have done the same I mean if I had to bring back Maul at the status quo like Filoni will. Although I guarantee you there are probably Maul fanfictions which salvate over this stuff far more than I could in a simple few minutes posting here.
Do we know they are going with visionaries for this? Since Lucas wants him back I would imagine that Lucas will do something else that he comes up with at least conceptually given his history.

I probably would have done the same I mean if I had to bring back Maul at the status quo like Filoni will. Although I guarantee you there are probably Maul fanfictions which salvate over this stuff far more than I could in a simple few minutes posting here.

I read somewhere that Lucas didn't want Maul to become more popular than Vader,hence he had him killed. I think he would have been a great enemy instead of introducing new people every movie, Dooku, Greivous.
I don't believe it did, it's been a while but I seem to remember that Maul just appeared like that and the reader kind of understood the process was Vaderesque.
Do we know they are going with visionaries for this? Since Lucas wants him back I would imagine that Lucas will do something else that he comes up with at least conceptually given his history.

I don't know if it'll mirror the Sideshow PF and EU material exactly, but something will have to be done to address it. But I would imagine, learning to walk again, let alone, utilize the agility and balance Force users are known for wouldn't be a cakewalk even for a Jedi/Sith. :huh
I wonder if they'll play the Kill Bill psycho music when Maul sees Kenobi again for the first time since the CW can't go two seconds without paying tribute to some other movie.