Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

All it needs is a few decent actors, real sets, actors playing troopers and not be boring and it'll be better than the prequels. It really won't take much.

Isn't that what TPM had? And most consider it the worst of the sextet. :lol
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

We better get more scientific explanations for things in the Star Wars universe. Midichlorians were the best thing about the PT.

Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

You can't win Darth. I have a higher midichlorian count than you can possibly imagine.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Nah, I'll take Phantom a hundred times over Attack of the Clones. The Anakin/Padme dialogue is just excruciating.

Honestly, I'll take TPM over the other two, by far. Of course, 95% of that is because I still have great memories of the excitement that year leading up to the movie. The movie may have disappointed, but they can't take away my collecting those pog things from Taco Bell, and R2D2 cups from KFC.

The other 5% is Maul.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I enjoyed the opening scene in Phantom Menace. It felt like it sorta kinda coulda fit in the original films to me. But Jar Jar, little Annie, midichlorians, CG overkill, convoluted boring story, just too much.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm not a fan of the prequels, but if I had to pick, I'd probably go with Phantom Menace as the best of the three as well.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

TPM's score was my favorite of the three as well. Not even a contest.

This is part of the pre-release hype roller coaster, but I remember buying the score at The Wall (lolz), and cranking Duel of the Fates on the drive home. Hell, remember when Duel of the Fates was actually played on the radio? Bizarre.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

i don't see how a film with the original cast can possibly live up to our expectations... it is like those Marvel movies with Stan Lee making a cameo in every one... gimmicky.

i would love to see Disney shoot forward... The Old Republic cut scenes were perhaps the most exciting Star Wars imagery to land since the OT... why not take a cue and fast forward to the New Republic? bookend the franchise with it. Star Wars has a wealth of species and design elements to achieve instant familiarity... why not play in a new sandbox?

remember cringing when little Ani "yippee'd"? imagine seeing a vintage Harrison Ford "ya hooing".
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm not a fan of the prequels, but if I had to pick, I'd probably go with Phantom Menace as the best of the three as well.

I'd probably go with Revenge of the Sith. It's just so dark, and the buildup to it was great. I really felt satisfied at the end with the duels, Luke/Leia split up, and Master and Apprentice looking on their technological terror (with a Tarkin cameo, to boot!)
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'd probably go with Revenge of the Sith. It's just so dark, and the buildup to it was great. I really felt satisfied at the end with the duels, Luke/Leia split up, and Master and Apprentice looking on their technological terror (with a Tarkin cameo, to boot!)

I don't like Sith too much, but I can at least get why it would be a favorite prequel. AOTC is just dreadful.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Was there a single attempt at humor or even wittiness that worked in that film (or trilogy)? Intentional humor, I mean. Could be there was some and I'm just not remembering.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

When Jar Jar stepped in poop I was LOLing and ROFLMAOing!

Anakin and Padme's romance parody was pretty funny.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I don't like Sith too much, but I can at least get why it would be a favorite prequel. AOTC is just dreadful.

Of the prequels, I liked Sith the most. It had it's flaws, the first ten minutes were really, really bad, AOTC bad. Padme dying of a broken heart, geesh.

But I liked Ian McDairmid, felt he really got his chance to shine. Grievous was flawed, but cool to look at. Obi-Wan came into his own, really disliked him for much of Phantom, but he was good here. The final saber battle was a little long, but pretty good.