Star Wars: The Force Awakens (12/18/15)

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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The best part about sith was the suit up of vader when u erase the cheesy Nooooooooooo from the film and the only part I liked was the tiny scene with vader crossed arms sith by his side viewing the Death Star aboard a star destroyer that gave me the feel of Star Wars how it should be. But in the blink of an eye the scene is gone. Actually pissed me off knowing he could of captured that look all along but only gave it a 5second life span. SHAME.......
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I enjoyed the opening scene in Phantom Menace. It felt like it sorta kinda coulda fit in the original films to me. But Jar Jar, little Annie, midichlorians, CG overkill, convoluted boring story, just too much.

I'm not a fan of the prequels, but if I had to pick, I'd probably go with Phantom Menace as the best of the three as well.

I don't like the PT either but if I had to pick one I'd go with Sith. Mainly because I think the end battle between Anakin and Obi was satisfying and I really like the score. And I think that bit of acting Mcgregor did at the end looking down on Anakin was actually great. Everything else is horrid beyond words. The 'losing the will to live", the splitting up of the twins, yoda announcing he's going into exile etc. Didn't all that happen in like 2 minutes? :lol But I think that TPM is the only one that actually feels like a Star Wars movie. Sometimes.

AOTC is just very,very bad.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Honestly, I'll take TPM over the other two, by far.
TPM is my fave PT film hands down.

Sure - it's got some HORRIBLE elements, but as touched on already, Liam Neeson, Ewan & Ian McDiarmid provided a solid foundation to the film, & the real sets went a long way. Natalie Portman was good with what she was given - & I've always been a fan of hers. However, her forever morphing Queenie accent just did my head in. :lol

Ray Park as Maul / Jedi & Sith final battle - :rock :rock :rock

I loved all the royal Naboo related moments; architecture, costumes, N-1 starfighters, speeders etc. Great stuff. :)

Pod Race was a bittersweet affair for me. I liked some of the pacing & vehicle designs, but the Muppet pilots & drawn out intro piece just became laboursome to tolerate.

Ani, his buddies, Watto, - :monkey4. I of course FF though ALL the Gungan stuff. :lol

That said - I still rate it well above the other two. :lecture
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Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

TPM is my fave PT film hands down.

Sure - it's got some HORRIBLE elements, but as touched on already, Liam Neeson, Ewan & Ian McDiarmid provided a solid foundation to the film, & the real sets went a long way. Natalie Portman was good with what she was given - & I've always been a fan of hers. However, her forever morphing Queenie accent just did my head in. :lol

Ray Park as Maul / Jedi & Sith final battle - :rock :rock :rock

I loved all the royal Naboo related moments; architecture, costumes, N-1 starfighters, speeders etc. Great stuff. :)

Pod Race was a bittersweet affair for me. I liked some of the pacing & vehicle designs, but the Muppet pilots & drawn out intro piece just became laboursome to tolerate.

Ani, his buddies, Watto, - :monkey4. I of course FF though ALL the Gungan stuff. :lol

That said - I still rate it well above the other two. :lecture


I don't understand how people think ROTS feels more like a SW film. I'm convinced thats entirely down to the last 2 minutes or so. We didn't need 2 films and everything preceding those 2 minutes if thats all it took. I'm sure we didn't need to wait 22 years after ROTJ either. Any amateur filmmaker could have done what George did at the end of ROTS.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

The first and last half hour of TPM were really good IMO.

I liked the final 40 minutes or so of both AOTC and ROTS but they both had some pretty weak buildup until those moments, especially AOTC. Jango and Grievous were cool.

I thought "Padme's Ruminations" or whatever it was called was spectacular.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Why does everyone bash "the first ten minutes" of ROTS? Wasn't it just a fun space battle with the same silly dialogue that we've seen throughout the entire trilogy? :cuckoo:

All of the prequels were subpar, but Revenge of the Sith had the most thrilling and climactic moments of the three. All the other two had were boring, drawn out political nonsense with a few sprinkles of excitement here and there. Seems like ROTS got straight to the point, showed us the story we've been waiting to see with an added load of epic lightsaber duels.

I do think Phantom Menace had more of a 'Star Wars' feel to it, but the movie is so terrible and childish that it doesn't matter. The only good thing in the entire movie is the duel of the fates. Especially Darth Maul's introduction. That still gives me chills. "Anakin, stay in that cockpit!" Doors open, cue duel of the fates theme, and he's just standing there like a badass.



Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Yeah its a true bad-ass moment. Those two Jedi know this is not going to be a easy battle.

I knew Harry ford would not turn this down, my biggest fear though is them doing a CGI Millenium Falcon, NEEDS to be the same model from the OT.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I like the story and tone of ROTS but it was on SpikeTV a couple nights ago and I had it on in the background and just really had a hard time getting into the movie with so much gratuitious (and dated even for its time) CGI.

It was pretty jarring alternating between a Pixar movie, Roger Rabbit movie with humans interacting with toons, and then a few genuinely nice SW moments.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

TPM is structured more like an OT film, but it's so puerile and poorly acted at times it's hard to stomach.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm not a fan of the prequels, but if I had to pick, I'd probably go with Phantom Menace as the best of the three as well.

Wow revenge of the sith hands down for the prequels. To me they got better each one
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Who cares? This thread isn't about the awful prequels. We have... A New Hope!
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

Why does everyone bash "the first ten minutes" of ROTS? Wasn't it just a fun space battle with the same silly dialogue that we've seen throughout the entire trilogy? :cuckoo:

All of the prequels were subpar, but Revenge of the Sith had the most thrilling and climactic moments of the three. All the other two had were boring, drawn out political nonsense with a few sprinkles of excitement here and there. Seems like ROTS got straight to the point, showed us the story we've been waiting to see with an added load of epic lightsaber duels.

I do think Phantom Menace had more of a 'Star Wars' feel to it, but the movie is so terrible and childish that it doesn't matter. The only good thing in the entire movie is the duel of the fates. Especially Darth Maul's introduction. That still gives me chills. "Anakin, stay in that cockpit!" Doors open, cue duel of the fates theme, and he's just standing there like a badass.

Probably the reason I hate ROTS the most is the same problems that plague TPM and AOTC are all present here (and are even worse IMO) and they undermine what should have been the best drama of the entire saga, OT included. Its all less forgiveable now, it should have been ironed out at this stage but Lucas just didn't really care. He just wanted to get it done and get into post production as soon as he could because his priority was special effects.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

In a lot of cases all the PT really had going for it was fancy CG effects. This new trilogy should obviously render the entire last trilogy moot even in that department.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

In a lot of cases all the PT really had going for it was fancy CG effects. This new trilogy should obviously render the entire last trilogy moot even in that department.

Exactly. It was a mistake not to take more care with the other areas of the filmmaking - CGI was already old hat by 1999 let alone 2005. The films needed more than fancy effects.
Re: Star Wars: Episode VII (2015) Discussion Thread

I'm all for the original cast coming in....but looking at pics of Fisher from this year....she could be anyone to me....totally unrecognisable.