Based on the Thread's title :SUGGESTIONS: Next Bad Guy Creature PF, I would suggest either an Uruk-Hai Pikesman or Crossbowman from The Two Towers, or maybe a Mordor orc from the Osgiliath siege in The Return of the King. I know that we already have two Uruk-Hai PFs (Lurtz and the Berserker), but the Uruks seem to have more distinctive garb that the orcs with their piece-meal armor. Gothmog was a cool character and could be done well in PF form.
A PF of Ugluk would be cool, too, but I'd like to see Sideshow do characters that haven't already been done by Sideshow Weta.
A Cave or Battle Troll would be fantastic, but at the 1/6th PF scale, would be too large and expensive.
We all know that a Ringwraith PF is in development, and hopefully it will be shown on Black and White Friday.
I like the idea of a Morgul Lord with a flaming sword and mace.
I would like to see a Saruman PF, or Easterlings and Haradhrim as well, but the thread was titled :SUGGESTIONS: Next Bad Guy Creature PF, not humans.