Take a shower!

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Nexus 6
Jan 21, 2006
Reaction score
Off World
If you're one of those people who maybe doesn't frequent the shower as often as you should- do it! If you don't shower because you don't think you smell- you're wrong! You do!

I'm tired of smelling your foul body odor when I'm at the store or at work or anyplace public, and I find you offensive.

Take 10 minutes and do us all a favor.

And use deodorant.

This has been a public service announcement.

LOL I have a boss that its quite obvious she barely spends the energy to get dressed let alone groom and shower before coming to work.
Making the world a better place one less smelly person at a time. :)

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King coming over too often again?

I went to the grocery store today, and in line there was this guy in front of me who just reeked. And then a woman comes up behind me and starts unloading her cart. So here I am trapped in line behind this foul smelling guy! :lol

But seriously, a lot of people need to shower more often. That goes for King too. :mad:
LOL I have a boss that its quite obvious she barely spends the energy to get dressed let alone groom and shower before coming to work.

I've worked with a few people over the years where it was obvious that they didn't shower or use deodorant. I think some people are not self aware.
You know Batty, chances are, if you think it's everybody else, it might just be you. :huh

On a serious note, this should be a condition of attendance at conventions. :lol
I went to the grocery store today, and in line there was this guy in front of me who just reeked. And then a woman comes up behind me and starts unloading her cart. So here I am trapped in line behind this foul smelling guy! :lol

The lady behind you prolly thought the smell was coming from you. :rotfl
I've worked with a few people over the years where it was obvious that they didn't shower or use deodorant. I think some people are not self aware.

At the place I last worked it got so bad some of us started stocking the bathrooms with deodorent in the hopes those offenders would at least get the hint if not try it from time to time. Granted, it was an unairconditioned shop but when you start off foul at 7 a.m. there's something wrong.

We also had to address it at not one but two of our company meetings...some people are disgusting.:monkey4