Any chance of a tutorial on how you incorporated the endo-arm into the muscle arm?
Yeah, no problem.
-Dismantle endo arm by removing elbow screw, push through the elbow joint from inside to outside to remove securing lug. You will need to remove the pins on the lower piston ends by unscrewing them also. and lever inside and outside of forearm apart to release lower arm, and put it out of harms' way.
-Dismantle upper arm by gently but firmly levering the sides apart. The pins holding the upper part of the pistons should ping out on their own.
-You will need the outside half of the upper arm to have the elbow joint. The swivel part is on the lower arm.
-Grafting onto a body depends which body you use. I was using the Dutch body and that has a weird arrangement for the elbow... it is a bendy bit of metal! Yes, a bendy bit of metal! That is why I had to go through all the rigmerole of using the endo elbow.
-Cut the Dutch forearm a bit below the elbow. It is hollow rubber and easily peels off the arm tube inside. Cut up the inside seam to a bit below the shoulder and roll the rubber sleeve up to the bicep area and remove the screws on the casing to release the lower arm tube and bendy metal. You can discard these.
-The endo upper arm you have removed has a central vertical section. Trim this so it is the length of the remaining Dutch arm tube... but only up to the metal band you will see going around it... this is to stop the tube coming apart when the arm is bent.
-Cut a groove in the lower remaining arm tube and be sure you have lined up everything before getting out the super-glue. I also put a screw at the bicep area through the endo upper arm and into the Dutch arm tube.
-Roll the sleeve down and plug you endo forearm on. It should have a 360 degree rotation and a 90 degree vertical motion. Superglue the seam back together, but dont get any on the joints!
Make sure you put this arm on before the t-shirt, and insert it first, then put the other arm on... same as getting a stroke patient dressed, do the weak limb first as it gets pulled about less.
Then add some gore and have some fun!
I hope that makes sense.