Terminator 1 PF

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Super Freak
Jan 24, 2008
Reaction score
Potomac, MD

I think this is seriously something to consider......


Most of us are really disappointed with the choice of pose and I hope you guys are looking at this.

The question is..... Have you guys ever change a pose of a piece because the response to it was mainly negative, or do you guys stick to it, don't matter what?

I think in this case it should be a different pose. We don't care if we have to wait another year....


Well, first off, this is a 'concept sketch' - meaning that this particular one may not even be the one they will choose to use for the final product (typically there are MANY conceptual designs and it's slowly whittled down to the final product... or what you see on screen, in the case of a film). Second, even if it is the scene they will be choosing, the actual three-dimensional sculpt will look much different than a 2D sketch (a pretty rough one, at that).

Rest assured that they'll have it squared away before showing the prototype. Not only for the fans, but for the licensor approvals! :duff
Well, first off, this is a 'concept sketch' - meaning that this particular one may not even be the one they will choose to use for the final product (typically there are MANY conceptual designs and it's slowly whittled down to the final product... or what you see on screen, in the case of a film). Second, even if it is the scene they will be choosing, the actual three-dimensional sculpt will look much different than a 2D sketch (a pretty rough one, at that).

Rest assured that they'll have it squared away before showing the prototype. Not only for the fans, but for the licensor approvals! :duff

Hi Dusty!

Sorry for jumping the gun here...I know it is just a concept, but Sideshow is really good at keeping pretty close to the sketch they show us, with a couple of minor differences here and there.

Also, being an artist myself, i know the 3d sculpture will look much better than the 2d concept, but I thought that was a good idea to point it out the "disappointment" the we Terminator 1 fans feel with the choice of pose.....

Don't get me wrong, Sideshow gets a 10 in my book and everybody's else book when it comes to Terminator merchandise and I just want the continuation of that, specially with such anticipated piece that Terminator 1 Premium Format is....

Anyway, I appreciate your response and I will look forward to seeing more concepts for this great piece.


Probably i'm one of the few, that thought 'this action pose' looked good. I hope they will continue with something like this early sketch.
The legs look a bit funny, because they are drawn to much inline, that's all. All will work out fine, fingers and toes crossed hahah :hi5: