Terminator T800 endoskeleton?

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Freaked Out
Feb 12, 2017
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Is there any option in 1/6 scale for a T1 or T2 endo? I know there’s a Genisys version but that’s obviously different. As HT don’t seem to want to make one, has any other company filled the gap?
Hot Toys made a 1/6 T-800 Endoskeleton in the 2000s. Aoshima also made a T-800 in diecast metal, but sadly neither of these are chrome.
This is a case where a new movie quite possibly screwed us out of getting a desired figure from a 'legacy' movie - contrary to what people often optimistically suggest about new movies helping chances of new attention on classic movies. Because it looked like they had a 2.0 of the classic design in the works if that initial promo pic for the 1/4 version was anything to go by and yet it never materialized.

Only with major current properties like Iron Man, Spiderman and Mandalorian are Hot Toys willing to risk cannibalizing their own sales with multiples of the same character available at the same time. So best case scenario that Genisys Endoskeleton inevitably meant a delay by some years of any classic 2.0. Worst case it has meant cancellation due to slow sales in a frustrating catch 22 situation whereby too many people don't buy the Genisys because they're holding out for the classic version - for which I don't blame those people at all...heck, I was one of them.

It's sad that a figure from 2007 remains the final word on the original Endoskeleton despite the advancements in toy engineering since then.
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The Aoshima, although lacking in the detail/accuracy department, still looks cool and good. They seem to go low at Ebay, much lower than the MMS33 and 90% diecast! Anyone here have one in their collection? What’s your opinion of it? :)
The Aoshima, although lacking in the detail/accuracy department, still looks cool and good. They seem to go low at Ebay, much lower than the MMS33 and 90% diecast! Anyone here have one in their collection? What’s your opinion of it? :)

I've seen one in person but I vaguely remember it although as you said, it's mostly diecast but also lacking in the detail that the MMS33 had. If you can look past those issues I don't see any reason not to get it if you think the price is right. Plus it's in scale with the HT figures, unlike the Genysis one.
I've seen one in person but I vaguely remember it although as you said, it's mostly diecast but also lacking in the detail that the MMS33 had. If you can look past those issues I don't see any reason not to get it if you think the price is right. Plus it's in scale with the HT figures, unlike the Genysis one.
Thanks! I will keep an eye open for one then.
Even the old HT endo is out of scale in the sense that it wouldn't fit inside any given Arnie figure, least not in all its parts. Think of the bloodied endo-arm that came with MMS117 - it's noticeably too long and the individual parts probably too big to fit inside a 'fleshed' arm/hand. But there's only so small you can make a complex endoskeleton figure I suppose.
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The old Hot Toys MMS33 from 2007 is still the way to go and holds up quite well especially if you can get it repainted. The Aoshima is decent, but lacks detail and I just couldn't recommend the Genysis one on grounds that it was horribly out of scale with the other HT Arnies and is a unnecessary redesign from an awful movie.

Here is the MMS33 repainted.


Is this a repaint you did or had done?
Is that a full on re-paint? Or Is that just a black wash?