I felt the same way initially watching the Return, but after having time to digest it, I think what Lynch did was actually great. Good stories, like good music, must need tension and release, conflict and resolution. The Agent Cooper move was an extreme example, but can you imagine a greater feeling of relief as when Cooper finally returns as we knew him. No Twin Peaks fan could have seen that without a huge smile on their face. And it's just one more thing that makes that show, and Lynch in general, so dang interesting and distinctive. His story was about a lot more than Coop as we knew him, and his approach allowed him to tell a story that you wouldn't have gotten from any other creative mind. In some ways, it was the opposite of the constant attention to fan service that Marvel/Disney/DC/etc. always shove down our throats. Lynch essentially said, "screw the fans and screw the critics, I'm making the story I want to tell." And I appreciate anyone with the balls to do that in modern times.