I just had a pit-in-stomach moment with the latest BOBF commercial.
One of the last quick cut images is of a very un-SW looking young lady zooming into the frame on a swoop, offering a pouty sneer at the camera.
Uh, oh...has the "girls are just better" mandate at Lucasfilm now inflicted itself upon this show too? Like Loki and Hawkeye over in Marvel, is Fett (and Kenobi and Andor) doomed to be supporting characters on their own namesake shows while the kick-ass Mary Sue girls come in and take over the stories?
Say it isn't so....I was so looking forward to this show (and Kenobi and Andor) but...to reuse an old hoary cliche, I've got a bad feeling about this. We already recently witnessed this approach in SW with the Bad Batch, which really should've been called the Omega show. She's a character that is pretty certain to show up in this live-action group of SW shows and just push Fett to the side at some point.
With it becoming apparent that Filoni may be more obsessed with dragging all of his cartoon characters into the live-action shows and the "girls only" rule being applied to any protagonist of any of these upcoming shows, I think we may have seen the last of the best with the end of Mando's last season.
I so want to be wrong.