"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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All I get is the red "X" for the last picture....:monkey2 :monkey2

Is this the one?:


If its true, looks really cool but is that five fingers and a thumb on the hand holding the color card?
MaulFan said:
You can't top Jack as the Joker though, can't be done.


I wouldn't discount Ledger till we see what he does. The guy can act.

Jack looked good. But he was playing Jack and not The Joker.
Ledger looks like Robert Smith from the Cure. I don't want no Brokeback Batman.
If it does open up like Ichi that will be the creepiest Joker ever. I have faith in Nolan and the cast - can't wait for '08!
I never saw Ichi, but I did see Pan's Labyrinth. Yikes....

If those wounds do open up, it'll be disgusting looking, and I dunno if they can go that far for a PG-13.
Turns out thats a fake.

I have to say, that wouldn't have been too bad of a way to go, if they were going for something realistic and the Ichi/Crow reminders may not have been a bad thing.

Oh well.I kinda liked it but we'll see what they come up with. And to be sure, the film will depend more on Ledger's acting than any makeup.

Can't wait to see the real thing!
Well, even if it is a fake, its a great idea. I sure hope they keep those slits on the sides of his mouth. When I saw Pan's, Joker was the first thing that came to my mind after seeing how much wider a smile/mouth could get when cut like that. It would make sense to see some scaring on the surface like that because those cuts would have to heal somehow eventually, but obviously not reconected.

My idea for the slit mouth would be for Batman to throw a Batarang at Joker very early in the film and cut him like that. Upon seeing the result, Joker being the sicko he his, does the other side himself. But I'm not sure how much detail they are able to get into a PG-13 film. The slit mouth souldn't be a problem though rating wise, but actually seeing it happen might.
I wasn't a big fan of Jack Nicholson's portrayal of the Joker, it was ok but not the greatest IMHO.

I think Ledger will do a good job and I hope they do go the route of the slit mouth for his smile, makes him that much more frightening.

To me the Joker should be a guy who'd be hillarious one minute and could scare the beejsus out of you the next.

The only actor I've known carry off an accurate portrayal of this was Mark Hamill, his Joker in BTAS was superb.
I never warmed up to Jack Nicholson's interpretation of the Joker....honestly there hasn't been a Joker yet that I've liked. For me the Joker was supposed to be so demented that his humor is only really funny to himself. Doing things that are considered morbid or downright sadisitic for him is comedy gold....show me a demented portrayal like that and I'd be happy.
I think between Mike and Jabba, they describe the perfect Joker. Sadly that was not Jack. He played the Joker too light harted, almost camp.
The Mike said:
I never warmed up to Jack Nicholson's interpretation of the Joker....honestly there hasn't been a Joker yet that I've liked. For me the Joker was supposed to be so demented that his humor is only really funny to himself. Doing things that are considered morbid or downright sadisitic for him is comedy gold....show me a demented portrayal like that and I'd be happy.

I agree 100%. I want to see the Joker punch a little girl in the face, take her candy, then shot here dog, and laugh his ass off the whole time.

And like Memnoch said, Jack was great, but too capmy at times.

I truly hope they go super dark with this Joker!!
who do u guys think will play as Harley Quinn ???

My guess;

Sarah Michelle Gellar :cool:
I'm not even sure she will be in it. And if she is, it doesn't mean she will have a big part. Perhaps more of a cameo. That said, I'm not sure who could play her. Katie Holmes? :lol
I like Harley in the comics, but I hope she isn't in the movie. I just don't see Nolan doing a character with a costume like that. Now Schumacher on the other hand... :monkey4
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