"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Dr. Harleen Quinzel was in Birds of Prey and played by the incomparable Mia Sara. She never wore a costume, just her psychologists duds. I'd love them to use her similarly in DK.
Darklord Dave said:
Dr. Harleen Quinzel was in Birds of Prey and played by the incomparable Mia Sara. She never wore a costume, just her psychologists duds. I'd love them to use her similarly in DK.
Sure, but that's not what people expect when they think of Harley Quinn...

This is:

If they want to do Dr. Harleen Quinzel in the movie, that's fine.
Harley Quinn is one of my favourite characters from the animated series, but I doubt Nolan will use her in the new movie.

Maybe he'll make some kind of throwaway reference to her but I can't see it being anymore than that really.

She's a great character but I think she goes a bit against Nolan's vision for the movies, or at least in her current form.
I could see Nolan using Harley Quinn and maybe even in a similar costuming but he'd have to warp the character itself....I doubt the color scheme would be as light and it'd probably have Harley be less goofy and more sadistic. If you imagine that Harley decides to join up with the Joker and really allows to let loose and is just as demented and horrific as the Joker and that is his base attraction to her, her willingness to be as brutal as necessary to keep him happy, she might play off almost as impressive as him.

Imagine both stroll up to a mother and her young baby. Joker asks politely if she has had her shots this year. The mother replies "no" and Joker pulls out a gun and shoots her dead. Laughing manically his laughter is interrupted by the baby crying. Harley replies "Someone needs a spanking" and smiles at Joker while tightening her grip on a mallet that she has been twirling around and smashing the baby carriage (we don't see the baby but hear cooing noises and then sudden silence). She continues to smash until the mallet snaps and tired slumps back. The Joker is wailing, almost in tears, telling her his sides are about to burst and the camera zooms in on Harley smiling an approving smile that she made her "puddin'" happy.

It could work.

That said, I think Harley has a 1/1000 shot of making an actual visual appearance.
The Mike said:
Imagine both stroll up to a mother and her young baby. Joker asks politely if she has had her shots this year. The mother replies "no" and Joker pulls out a gun and shoots her dead. Laughing manically his laughter is interrupted by the baby crying. Harley replies "Someone needs a spanking" and smiles at Joker while tightening her grip on a mallet that she has been twirling around and smashing the baby carriage (we don't see the baby but hear cooing noises and then sudden silence). She continues to smash until the mallet snaps and tired slumps back. The Joker is wailing, almost in tears, telling her his sides are about to burst and the camera zooms in on Harley smiling an approving smile that she made her "puddin'" happy.

Now THAT is some messed up crap! :lol I think smashing babies would be a bit too much to get away with for a PG-13 rating. It clearly demonstrates how sick they are though. :eek:
Well to make it PG-13 you just have Joker stop and say "brilliant! I can't wait to try it out on real people!" The camera pulls back and reveals that the whole thing was some demented skit by Joker and his henchman. Harley asks "Those weren't real bullets?" The Joker replies "Those were real bullets I can't wait to try it out with real babies!" He begins laughing hysterically and the camera shot changes to something else. Its a little watered down but people would get the idea. :D
The Mike said:
Well to make it PG-13 you just have Joker stop and say "brilliant! I can't wait to try it out on real people!" The camera pulls back and reveals that the whole thing was some demented skit by Joker and his henchman. Harley asks "Those weren't real bullets?" The Joker replies "Those were real bullets I can't wait to try it out with real babies!" He begins laughing hysterically and the camera shot changes to something else. Its a little watered down but people would get the idea. :D

That's awesome!!! Great ideas Mike... And I am glad we are both on the same sick and twisted page here. Joker and Harley need to be freakin MANIACS, just sadistic and evil as Hell... but still make you laugh uncomfortably. That's the Joker I want to see on screen. "The Killing Joke" kind of Joker.
I wish the studio had the balls to make an R-Rated Batman. I'm tired of the excuse that they can reach a broader audience if it is PG. What, Hollywood doesn't make R-Rated movies anymore because they don't make as much money? Aliens, Predator and Terminator are three of the most successful franchises of all time and were R-Rated. The kids who really want to see these are going to find a way. When I was a kid, my parents let me see any R-Rated movie I wanted. For parents that were less liberal with their kids, my friends always found a way to see it anyway. Most theaters don't care about carding because they just want to sell tickets. It's time to make a really dark and urban Batman in the vein of Miller's Year One. Begins was a failure for me because it was pandering to the James Bond kiddie crowd to sell more toys. I want an adult, psychological Dark Knight Detective Batman like Killing Joke or Arkham Asylum.
The funny thing about Batman is he is one of the few characters that could make an "R" rated film and still make millions of dollars. There aren't very many characters that can make this transition, you couldn't pull it off with Supes or Flash or GL but I think Bats could do it.
Ironically this is pretty close to how I think the Joker should look! :lol


He would have an incredibly creepy smile.
(bonk on the head)

I can't believe that I JUST remembered that "I believe in Harvey Dent" were the last words said in the "The Long Halloween" series. I doubt there's a connection, but it's still kinda interesting.

this is pretty much the pic in all it's glory


The left cut goes near all the way up to his cheek.
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