"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I don't think it needs a cloth cover at all. The shots we have seen are showing off the armor, in bright light. In the darkness, if he came at you... it would all look very much like sinewy muscle mass flying at you. Batman wouldn't give you any time to really analyze it. I think it looks more menacing that just a latex body suit that just looks like a pitch black human body with a chest emblem and a belt. All one solid piece as well. It's not just neck articulation, it's also waist, chest, arm and leg movement that is affected by a solid piece like that. Just watch that scene with Batman and Falcone in the first film. Bale just looks uncomfortable and squished into his suit....
But Batman mostly comes out at night. Hard to see all that technology in the dark and shadows. On film that suit will show up black just like the last suit did.

Besides, I don't think a thug is going to have time to check out the suit when he is getting his ass kicked.


We both said the same thing... Great minds think alike. :rock
I don't mind the new suit. I just think the bat emblem should be more prominent.
For all we know this may be a scene specific deal. Maybe it's right after it happens, still the same suit he wore during the court case? I always thought a great way to envision a Two Face in reality would be that when he snaps and realizes what he is going to do... he goes home, slices two of his suits in two, very haphazardly... Sews them together roughly, big stitches that are representative of his madness... And does the same with his shirts and ties. I think it helps sell his insanity and creepiness factor.

I doubt he would be going out and having these things tailor made... He's too smart for that, no paper trail leading straight to Harvey Dent. He may be insane, but he is still very intelligent and cunning.

At least that is how I would do it. :D

That is what I thought a realistic Two-Face halfed outfit would look like too. I think we really do think quite a bit alike. Unfortunately, I don't see the black and white suit being used because not too many people have white suits in their closet... well at least outside of Utah. Although I'm sure Aaron probably has one ;)
But Batman mostly comes out at night. Hard to see all that technology in the dark and shadows. On film that suit will show up black just like the last suit did.

Besides, I don't think a thug is going to have time to check out the suit when he is getting his ass kicked.

We'll see how it looks in the film, but from the stills I've seen, especially the interrogation scene with the Joker, it looks goofy, most noticeably the leg pieces, and not like shadowy muscle mass.

I'm all for mobility, definitely missing in version 1, but the two tone bio-mech armor look doesn't really do it for me. But perhaps it does work ok for a movie called the Dark KNIGHT.

His enemies would see what he's wearing at some point definitely, perhaps just bits, perhaps more, and since Batman doesn't generally kill, word would spread amongst the criminals and weaknesses would be devised. Concealing not only his personal identity, but also his identity as even human, ability to fly, bullets can't hurt him, etc. is one of the aspects of the character that I've always liked when it is played that way.

And I'm not missing it, but one thing I thought was cool about the yellow emblem was that it gave something for the criminals to focus on and shoot at instead of aiming at the Bat's head or face.
Yeah, I did like that explanation of the yellow emblem, that it gives the enemy a false target to go for. That and the use of his cape to give an illusion of a larger mass, criminals shooting through the cape and assuming that they are hitting him.
Yeah, I did like that explanation of the yellow emblem, that it gives the enemy a false target to go for. That and the use of his cape to give an illusion of a larger mass, criminals shooting through the cape and assuming that they are hitting him.

and a cape full of holes has no affect on his "gliding/ floating":lol abilities?
well in BB when he first pulled open the drawer and revealed the suit it looked pretty technical and detailed to me. but later he spray painted it and it magically became smooth.:huh

Fans demanded a darker, more violent, murderous Joker in ‘The Dark Knight’—now they’ve got it

By Rickey Purdin
Posted February 8, 2008

“[Director] Chris [Nolan] didn’t want him to have a brand-new costume made,” says “The Dark Knight” costume designer Lindy Hemming. “I started getting pieces together, and we made up a look, but always keeping them in various shades of purple. There are like 25 of those coats, all in different stages of breaking down because of the things happening to [the Joker].”

“The first place that I looked [for inspiration] was obviously pictures of the Joker in past graphic novels, comic books, films, whatever, and then after that, I started to think, ‘Well, how could someone be like this?’” explains Hemming. “Then I wanted to contemporize it, so I started looking in fashion.”

“I wanted to give [the Joker] a green thing, and on the last day, I made him a green waistcoat and we tried it on and it worked,” recalls Hemming. “I think that it does look like the Joker, and I think that it’s important because his whole Joker style is much more Goth/punk. It’s much more of a street kind of Joker rather than a man who puts on a clown mask.”

“We find [the Joker] dressed like this [when he first appears in the film],” says Hemming. “You can assume that he might’ve been dressed like that for years. He may have always been wearing those clothes. Instead of putting them on like the Joker has done before, you find him wearing these. He’s already scarred in the film, so the makeup comes from what he does to enhance that rather than to look like a clown.”

“What’s strong about the Joker was this idea of this commitment to anarchy, to chaos,” reveals “The Dark Knight” director Christopher Nolan. “He’s not just a bank robber or an ordinary criminal who’s out for any kind of material gain. His chief motivation would be that of anarchist.”

“Strangely enough, all the catwalks just before we began doing [‘The Dark Knight’] had purple clothes, which was a bit sad really, but they did,” laughs Hemming. “There were a lot of frock coats and that kind of look. I was going for stovepipe trousers and frock coats and things, and Gucci even produced men’s evening wear and coats that were just copied from frock coats.”

“You say, ‘What’s the rationale for him being able to dress like this?’ That’s when I started looking at the pop world and I ended up looking at the Sex Pistols and Johnny Rotten,” says Hemming. “I was just thinking, ‘Well, there are plenty of guys out there who actually are as extreme as this, and there’s nothing wrong with doing it.’ You’ve got to make it look like someone really dresses like this. It can’t just be, ‘Hello, I’m putting on my costume.’ It’s got to be wherever he lives and whatever he’s been doing, he’s been wearing that.”

The site is a good site to go get info.
It's a good style. I'd like to have replicas of those clothes.
Saw these over at CoolToyReview



I think these look like the best shots of these two figures so far - probably original prototypes :monkey2
The toy batsuit actually looks better than the movie batsuit. I think it's the two tones that I don't care for. And looking at it, why on earth would Batman have an all black suit with a bright gold belt? :confused:
There is a blurry two face action figure pic floating around the net somewhere. Can't see much though.
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