"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I'd be surprised to see an actual truly split suit at all in Nolan's world. Since he's going for that gritty realism, how realistic is it for a district attorney to go in his closet and start cutting suits in half and sewing them together?

...about as realistic as a crime boss sneaking in a vial of acid into a courtroom. :lol

The split suit is essential to Two Face's character. Not having it doesn't make any sense.

That would be like giving the Joker blue hair instead of green.
...about as realistic as a crime boss sneaking in a vial of acid into a courtroom. :lol

The split suit is essential to Two Face's character. Not having it doesn't make any sense.

That would be like giving the Joker blue hair instead of green.

No it would be like giving the Joker just plan old brown hair and make him wear a black suit.

Some things just have to happen. A split suit CAN be easily made by anyone with a needle. Quality would varry with skill, but it still could be done.

Unrealistic things to me would be Mr. Freeze's ice gun, Poison Ivy's mutant plants, Clayface, Manbat, Killer Croc, etc. As long as it can exist in OUR world without much (if any) stretching of reality, it fits in with the Nolan films to me.
...about as realistic as a crime boss sneaking in a vial of acid into a courtroom. :lol

The split suit is essential to Two Face's character. Not having it doesn't make any sense.

That would be like giving the Joker blue hair instead of green.

Corrupt Assistant District Attorney Vernon Field, provides Maroni with the acid concealed in an antacid bottle.

I respectfully disagree. Some of my favorite Two-Face stories do not have him wearing the goofy split suit. To quote the immortal Tyler Durden, "you aren't your effing khakis".
Is it confirmed about the split suit? I read just last week about Nolan's idea of having one side of the suit be ragged and tattered to match the face but still be all one color......did that change?
Is it confirmed about the split suit? I read just last week about Nolan's idea of having one side of the suit be ragged and tattered to match the face but still be all one color......did that change?

No, I think that is what they will be going with for The Dark Knight. We are just saying that he NEEDS to get the split suit in Batman 3 though. The same suit being tatterd on one side like his face is fine for an intro suit, but it should give him the idea to make his own "costume" like everyone else. He doesn't want to be the unpopular guy intown by not having his own costume. :D
I have to agree. While it certainly makes sense for him to have the ragged suit for his origin tale, it's equally sensible for Two-Face to eventually have the split suit. One simply can't make the same argument for Two-Face perpetually wearing the single, damaged suit as one would for the Joker living in his costume. The Joker in TDK seems to be largely a product of his own madness, sans the scar (though it's being frequently hypothesized thus far that only a single side of his mouth was probably scarred, and that he likely completed the other side to match and finalize his "smile"), and with that in mind, his outfit is in that same vein. He's creating his persona, building it from the ground up, that includes applying the make-up, dying the hair, and creating his own suit, which is an extension of himself in its twisted, hodge-podge zoot suit bastardization, mirroring the chaos within him and that which he looks to spread throughout society itself in violent anarchy.

Two-Face, though, doesn't look the way he does by choice. One would think that having been one of the foremost crusaders for justice in Gotham, as well as one of the city's most handsome and dapper, that he would want to shed remnants of the tragic event which transformed him. While his appearance is altered, Harvey Two-Face will also likely crusade for justice as Harvey Dent did, though albeit in a drastically different (and more violent) manner. Trying to establish himself as a figure to be feared, I think Two-Face would retain some of that dapper element, and look to wear a classy outfit as opposed to tattered rags. The damaged suit is awesome for an intro look, but in the long-run it doesn't make much sense (unless Nolan can sort something out... he's done pretty well thus far ;) ). Just some thoughts.
Best, most well thought out argument I've read for the split suit so far.

I'd prefer Two-Face just wear something similar to the black and white pinstripe double breasted suit image I posted earlier. Just have the 2 colors, black and white, yen-yang look and not the radical 2 color split down the middle style. Maybe a split tie if you must. The audience will get the duality thing without a garish, tacky costume. As you said, works for the Joker not so much for Harv.
I think the split tie idea would work really well, especially if they shoot Dent from the respective sides. Normal for Harvey, acid burn for Two Face. Also, the thing about Freeze's gun being unrealistic... anyone ever hear of liquid nitrogen? Freeze is definately do-able.
I have to agree. While it certainly makes sense for him to have the ragged suit for his origin tale, it's equally sensible for Two-Face to eventually have the split suit. One simply can't make the same argument for Two-Face perpetually wearing the single, damaged suit as one would for the Joker living in his costume. The Joker in TDK seems to be largely a product of his own madness, sans the scar (though it's being frequently hypothesized thus far that only a single side of his mouth was probably scarred, and that he likely completed the other side to match and finalize his "smile"), and with that in mind, his outfit is in that same vein. He's creating his persona, building it from the ground up, that includes applying the make-up, dying the hair, and creating his own suit, which is an extension of himself in its twisted, hodge-podge zoot suit bastardization, mirroring the chaos within him and that which he looks to spread throughout society itself in violent anarchy.

Two-Face, though, doesn't look the way he does by choice. One would think that having been one of the foremost crusaders for justice in Gotham, as well as one of the city's most handsome and dapper, that he would want to shed remnants of the tragic event which transformed him. While his appearance is altered, Harvey Two-Face will also likely crusade for justice as Harvey Dent did, though albeit in a drastically different (and more violent) manner. Trying to establish himself as a figure to be feared, I think Two-Face would retain some of that dapper element, and look to wear a classy outfit as opposed to tattered rags. The damaged suit is awesome for an intro look, but in the long-run it doesn't make much sense (unless Nolan can sort something out... he's done pretty well thus far ;) ). Just some thoughts.

That makes sense. :lecture :lecture :lecture

Still can't wait for the movie. :rock
Yeah I know we know we're getting two face in the movie but this is interesting none the less....

From ain't it cool .com:

Two-Face confirmed for DARK KNIGHT (by Harvey Dent himself)!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. In case there was any doubt, Aaron Eckhart confirms that you will not only see Harvey Dent as Two-Face in THE DARK KNIGHT, but that his arc will continue into the next BATMAN film. He also has some carefully chosen words about how they're bringing Two-Face to life...
Does Harvey get scarred in this movie or will we have to wait until the next one to see that?

Harvey Dent turns into Harvey Two-Face in this movie. So that answers your question better. [Laughs]

Have you filmed a lot of scenes in makeup?

I have done scenes as Harvey Two-Face. It’s interesting. I won’t tell you exactly what we’re going for, but I think that I can say that it will use all of today’s technology to create this character. He’s going to be interesting, and I think that’s what makes this character important in the movie—you get to see him as he was before, as in the comic books. Harvey is a very good guy in the comic books. He’s judicious. He cares. He’s passionate about what he loves and then he turns into this character. So you will see that in this film.


So what are we looking at here? Makeup?.....CGI?.....puppet heads?.....animatronics?.....all of the above???? I for one am intrigued.
Yeah I'm picturing something akin to T3 where the scarring is created in the computer rather than an appliance glued over the face. Green screen bag face. You can get depth and eye movement this way whereas you cannot with a makeup overlay such in T2.
I hated in Bats Forever that they called him Harvey Two-Face and now Eckhart is doing it. I truly hope that's not how they refer to the character.
Should be a combination of prosthetics , make up and cgi for the face I reckon , looking forward to it !.
Corrupt Assistant District Attorney Vernon Field, provides Maroni with the acid concealed in an antacid bottle.

I respectfully disagree. Some of my favorite Two-Face stories do not have him wearing the goofy split suit. To quote the immortal Tyler Durden, "you aren't your effing khakis".

I stand corrected.

It's just as realistic as a DA sneaking in a vial of acid then. :lol Either way it isn't realistic no matter who brought it into the courtroom. :monkey3

Which Two-Face stories isn't he wearing the suit? The only ones I can recall are the ones when he's in Arkahm or maybe "on the run." His "normal" attire is the split suit. The suit doesn't have to be goofy. It only has to be 2 different colors.

The next thing you'll be telling me is that the Penguin only carries an umbrella when it's raining.:monkey5
That makes sense. :lecture :lecture :lecture

Still can't wait for the movie. :rock

I know, I can do that from time to time. To be fair, you should see my old posts from when I used to moderate Jurassic Island. Ah, now those were some good diatribes...

Yes, the Harvey Two-Face monicker seems to be the new parlance for referring to the character, though I much prefer Two-Face, myself. Could just be the nostalgia of him talking about "stupid, weak Harvey," but it's what I've become accustomed to. Maybe they're playing up that it's both Harvey Dent and Two-Face trapped in the same body, and "Harvey Two-Face" is a way to refer to both personalities in one individual. Makes sense, or it could just be me trying to justify, for Christopher Nolan and to soothe my own misgivings, this new way of referring to Two-Face.
Unrealistic things to me would be Mr. Freeze's ice gun, Poison Ivy's mutant plants, Clayface, Manbat, Killer Croc, etc. As long as it can exist in OUR world without much (if any) stretching of reality, it fits in with the Nolan films to me.

Killer Croc is just a name, you know his origin right? But if you're reffering to the reptilian man-thing version, then I wholehardily agree.

Freeze is duo-able, he's not that far fetched. But it's just the campiness that dosen't fit Nolan's "gotham".
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