"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Freeze is duo-able, he's not that far fetched. But it's just the campiness that dosen't fit Nolan's "gotham".

Agreed. Freeze would excellent done if they focused on the Scientist aspect and made the freeze gun more believable like it can freeze but only close range etc......nothing like Arnold's portrayal...
Agreed. Freeze would excellent done if they focused on the Scientist aspect and made the freeze gun more believable like it can freeze but only close range etc......nothing like Arnold's portrayal...

Scientist researching cold fusion tech, lab accident, reputation ruined, turns to crime and uses pressurized liquid nitrogen to get into the vaults.
I got the call twice.....weird that it'd be from a (000) 000-0000 number...:lol

I will probably print out a few and stick them on my car for a photo op but I wonder whether or not it'll go the depths of the Joker viral since Harvey is supposed to be on the other side of the law......Robin Banks just wouldn't make sense...
I got the call twice.....weird that it'd be from a (000) 000-0000 number...:lol

I will probably print out a few and stick them on my car for a photo op but I wonder whether or not it'll go the depths of the Joker viral since Harvey is supposed to be on the other side of the law......Robin Banks just wouldn't make sense...

My guess is we just support him, and then after the deadline, he "wins" and we get sent the next issue of the Gotham times if we participated. Just a guess. Or less those lucky buttmunches that are listed on the map will get the freebies and the rest of us nothing.

Why no Utah? Aaron Eckhart is from here (or at least went to BYU) so why no Utah love?

I imagine we will eventually get a Dent teaser poster (to replace the Why so Serious one) and a Dent foucused trailer.
Oooo, Ann Arbor is only a little aways from me. :chew

We got the call. No one picked up the phone (caller id unknown) so it was on the machine. I hear my brother shout, "It's Harvey Dent! It's Harvey Dent!".

We're gonna turn my bro's car into a 'Dentmobile'. :D
Im gonna have to talk to my RA when i get back and see about getting Dent posters in every window for a photo op.

And am I the only one that wants to see Selina Kyle in one of the movies as a steady love interest/thorn in the side? I think it'd be a great dynamic. So far off the top of my head there are still at least 4 members of the Rouges Gallery that could be done fairly realistically: Harley, Catwoman, Penguin and Freeze. Any other ideas?
Im gonna have to talk to my RA when i get back and see about getting Dent posters in every window for a photo op.

And am I the only one that wants to see Selina Kyle in one of the movies as a steady love interest/thorn in the side? I think it'd be a great dynamic. So far off the top of my head there are still at least 4 members of the Rouges Gallery that could be done fairly realistically: Harley, Catwoman, Penguin and Freeze. Any other ideas?

We saw Mr Zsasz in the first, he could pop as as a Joker associate or hired thug. Riddler is realistic enough, but meh. I'd like to see him do something with Black Mask. Rival mob boss during Jokers takeover of Gotham.
Hugo Strange is easily enough done. Deadshot as well. The Mad Hatter was a neuroscientist so if they continued that vain it'd be fairly easily done, not to mention the Lewis Carroll component would make him look more insane than anything else....it could be done fairly creepy instead of campy without much fanfare...Bane could be done as well especially if they go with the Comic version style where he was already large and bodybuilder like and not like the film or cartoony style. Hush was a great storyline and has a nice tie to Batman and Bruce Wayne eliminating the duality and incorporating a lot of Rogues without gaving to go into much explanation about them. Talia would be a nice tie back into the first with her dealing with her love for Bats and faithfulness to her father.
Rock83 posted an eBay link in the Takara thread, there are images of the finished Ledger Joker bust.

I imagine this bust was in progress before the passing of Ledger, and if it's not licensed, that would cause issues also. It's not surprising for WB to be keeping a lid on the matter.
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