"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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I don't think it'll be R level, but I expect TDK to be a very dark movie, at least that's my hope for it. Nothing more entertaining than a hero thrown against a wall with everything stacking against them and having to rise above circumstance.
Well I was going to trade the 2nd volume for the first, but you already have it don't you?

I don't know. You don't have any buttons do you? I could see if I have any extras, but I'll have to wait for the package (which could be any day now).

Yeah, I got the second one. I didn't get any buttons though. So if you got extras, I'd be interested. Just let me know when you get your package. :D
I don't think it'll be R level, but I expect TDK to be a very dark movie, at least that's my hope for it. Nothing more entertaining than a hero thrown against a wall with everything stacking against them and having to rise above circumstance.

I can gurantee the Dark Knight will be PG-13. There is no doubt about that. But I was just saying a R rated film would be able to clearly show just how sick and twisted the Joker is. They might be able to do it here, but I still think the PG-13 rating held them back some.
I have to think that's totally faked. Something about Batman crouching under power lines just doesn't quite seem all that smart and plausible to see in the movie.

I can see it now... Batman crouched upon the streetlight, cape blowing in the wind. He holds out his grapple to whisk away into the night, and... ZAP! The cape gets tangled in the power lines and so ends all intimidation behind the persona of Batman. :lol

Honestly, criminals would never be able to look at him the same way if he got electrocuted while relaxing in an overly-conspicuous location.
I can gurantee the Dark Knight will be PG-13. There is no doubt about that. But I was just saying a R rated film would be able to clearly show just how sick and twisted the Joker is. They might be able to do it here, but I still think the PG-13 rating held them back some.

You know, they can still do a lot with a PG-13 film. Star Wars had lots of people getting blown up, then limbs cut off (although it was without blood) people burning, children dieing. LOTR had decapitations and blood. If they really wanted to they could put 1 f-word in there (although I would hope that they wouldn't for this, Joker is too smart to go down to that level).

It'll be interesting to see what will be going on with Scarecrow, since he got a tazer in the face and he's insane. Maybe he'll come back for the third one with the two-face plot. But then I never read the comics so I don't know how that would fit with the story base.

Although I did here it is comparative to Willem Defoe's cameo in Spider-Man 2. So he will be in it, but not for very long.

Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. Crane was ok but nothing spectacular in Begins, the effects of the poison were cooler than his character. Between Dent and Joker, I think there are enough core characters in TDK and wouldn't want too many to a Spider-Man 3 point where no 1 character gets a proper presence in the film. I think a Harvey story withe a Joker subplot should make for a strong film.
Finally, I get it! I get the Joker Poster!


Although I did here it is comparative to Willem Defoe's cameo in Spider-Man 2. So he will be in it, but not for very long.

Which is perfect. I love seeing little cameos in films here and there thrown in for the real fans. Like Mr. Zsasz in Begins. He was hardly pivotal to the film, but I really liked his presence. I hope we see some more Arkhamites strewn about.
Ahh, one more day, friends...


I don't know if any of this is right, since I don't really have the desire to check it, but...

"If you take all the misused or misspelled words in order of the HAHAHA Times, you get "It's Vacation Afficionados". That alludes to the clown travel agency site (though way way too generic to figure that one out).

Now, if you take all the punctuation errors, there are a series of dots, apostrophes, dashes, etc.,

"mashed potatoes"
At Arkham,
just in:
, poured
family, buries

....-'----,:----- -. --.

Which in morse, is 40:1NG New Game. Hahaha."

-from SHH
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I still haven't gotten my second voting card they said they would send to me after my first was missing the actual voter card.
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