"The Dark Knight" 2008 !!!!!!!!!

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Looks like we will also be getting a burnt Dent button. Very nice. Love free things.
New Joker Bowling Balls and Cell Phone hunts today! FINALLY A SALT LAKE CITY ONE!!!! That WILL be mine! :monkey4

Rooting for you, munch. Really hope you get it! Those bowling balls are the Awesome. Love the colors.
DARNIT! I didn't get it. It was at the FIRST Bowling Alley I went to, but it didn't have combo locks, but they DID! They were hiding! I was at the one a block over at the time it went up, so I missed it. But I did at least get to see the bag. It was light blue. DARN! I was there an hour earlier! I should have looked better and asked somebody!! :monkey4 :monkey2
OMFG. That sucks so hard.

Thanks Rage.

I wonder what we will be getting for this hunt?
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Don't know what that means. :confused:

Ah, I get it, the balls were hidden in a combo locker and you had the combo Buttmunch, but overlooked the place where they had the lockers and went to a different alley.

Geez, that royalty sucks. I take it these balls are a limited promotion thing with only 28 or so made? Was each one different?
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Ah, I get it, the balls were hidden in a combo locker and you had the combo Buttmunch, but overlooked the place where they had the lockers and went to a different alley.

Geez, that royalty sucks. I take it these balls are a limited promotion thing with only 20 or so made? Was each one different?

No the problem was the location and combo were given out at the same time, but people were camping out at different Bowling Alleys just in case THAT one was the one, and a friend with Internet access would call them.

I went an hour early to the place that eventually had it, but I didn't find ANY combo lockers, only key lockers, so I scratched it off my list. :banghead

But I did at least see the bag :eek:

So from the Acme security site, does that mean Gordon was behind this second Joker viral and NOT the Joker? That confused me a bit.
No the problem was the location and combo were given out at the same time, but people were camping out at different Bowling Alleys just in case THAT one was the one, and a friend with Internet access would call them.

I went an hour early to the place that eventually had it, but I didn't find ANY combo lockers, only key lockers, so I scratched it off my list. :banghead

But I did at least see the bag :eek:

So from the Acme security site, does that mean Gordon was behind this second Joker viral and NOT the Joker? That confused me a bit.

That's crazy that people were camping out.

I've been looking on the net and have seen some of the bags. White and red, purple, gray, and blue are the only ones I've seen so far. The white and red one is my fav.

The first game was an anagram game with 17 winners, the ball one had 28, so 45 people were called by the Joker?

This new game Gordon calls you and says he'll be in touch.

The video feeds are:
GNB: Gotham National Bank
GCR: ?
WT: Wayne Tower
GPD: Gotham Police Dept.
AA 34: Arkham Asylum
AA 35: Arkham Asylum
No the problem was the location and combo were given out at the same time, but people were camping out at different Bowling Alleys just in case THAT one was the one, and a friend with Internet access would call them.

I went an hour early to the place that eventually had it, but I didn't find ANY combo lockers, only key lockers, so I scratched it off my list. :banghead

But I did at least see the bag :eek:

So from the Acme security site, does that mean Gordon was behind this second Joker viral and NOT the Joker? That confused me a bit.

Very good question. It's left a bit cryptic, but I can't wait to find out. It seems legitimately to be Gordon, though. I'm not sure how they could throw it back in that the Joker pulled it off somehow. Being that Gordon is going to be actively pursuing the Joker through a good portion of the film, it makes sense that it would be an interception.
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