The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Is the same thing I had a problem with, the whole 8 year gap, which makes no sense. I haven't finish reading the entire article but I have said it at least 5 times now. The 8 year gap makes no sense and ruined what could have been a great movie.

It does make sense. The sole reason in the script for the gap is to facilitate the aging of Blake. Without it, Blake would've either been too young to believably be a cop and assume the cowl, or too old to have been in an orphanage. It's his age. That's it. An added bonus is Nolan gets to indirectly insult the performance of Heath Ledger by pretending in TDKR that the character never existed nor had that great an impact. :lol
He very literally did not rob anyone of anything and it doesn't even teeter on contradictory to the ending of TDK.

:exactly::exactly: And because the 8 year gap has gotten werewolf's panties in a bundle, he believe it doesn't make sense. lol

It's so funny seeing people in this thread post a link to a review in which some random person hates the movie, yet ignore many many others that enjoyed it.
It does make sense. The sole reason in the script for the gap is to facilitate the aging of Blake. Without it, Blake would've either been too young to believably be a cop and assume the cowl, or too old to have been in an orphanage. It's his age. That's it. An added bonus is Nolan gets to indirectly insult the performance of Heath Ledger by pretending in TDKR that the character never existed nor had that great an impact. :lol

:exactly::exactly: And because the 8 year gap has gotten werewolf's panties in a bundle, he believe it doesn't make sense. lol

It's so funny seeing people in this thread post a link to a review in which some random person hates the movie, yet ignore many many others that enjoyed it.

I meant the retirement of Batman. Not the passing of 8 years itself. Batman didn't need to retire twice. Why? Why make Batman retire at the beginning and then at the end?

Wouldn't once at the end be better? be enough? Why have Bruce be a cripple at the beginning? I don't get it. Why make bruce such a martyr? Jesus Bruce Wayne should have just died at the end of Dark Knight when he fell if that was the point Nolan wanted to make. Easy as pie, wanna be a hero BAM! you're dead.

I think is funny that people turn a blind eye MONK. That's what's hilarious. The movie clearly has many faults and yet all you nolancom****s like to turn a blind eye to its faults, conveniently ignore them or make stupid excuses for them,
That's a laugh riot.
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If you haven't got the reason for the 8 yr gap by now, you never will. So what's the point continually crying about it :dunno

I'm not talking about the passing of time itself. I am talking about Batman giving up. Giving up for 8 years. That's what I am talking about. Nolan should have killed Bruce at the end of Dark Knight. there was really no point for a third one.

What's more, Why is this thread still open? ah?
Expand, because I'm curious just how much more wrong you're capable of being.

I don't need to. Because Nolan didn't want to "tarnish" Ledger's performance, he completely omitted the character from TDKR. The end result is those who don't know the behind the scenes stuff are left to wonder how such a significant character in the Batmanverse would have nary a mention in TDKR. Now you can pretend or cover that blemish with Nolansquirt, but that fact still remains. It's why many say TDKR feels more like a 4th film than a 3rd. And IMO, why you could swap TDK with TDKR as direct sequels to BB, because they don't flow consistently as a trilogy.
I'm not talking about the passing of time itself. I am talking about Batman giving up. Giving up for 8 years. That's what I am talking about.

What's more, Why is this thread still open? ah?

That's what i'm talking about as well.

8 years of peace time. 8 years of the Dent Act. 8 years of Batman's sacrifice at the end of TDK working. He retired as Batman because he wasn't needed. He retired as Bruce Wayne because after losing Rachel he thought there was nothing out there for him.

He was desperate for a reason to go back out there as Batman. Bane gave him that reason.
I don't need to. Because Nolan didn't want to "tarnish" Ledger's performance, he completely omitted the character from TDKR. The end result is those who don't know the behind the scenes stuff are left to wonder how such a significant character in the Batmanverse would have nary a mention in TDKR. Now you can pretend or cover that blemish with Nolansquirt, but that fact still remains. It's why many say TDKR feels more like a 4th film than a 3rd.

Probally the worst art i have ever seen in a Batman story ever but,the story meh..was alright.

It is half of the story actually. The second part will be released at Jan. 29. The story was meh? It is one of the best Batman stories of all time and it was groundbreaking and it is still one of the best selling Batman comic too and it was first released in 86. Rises vs Returns? Really there is just no contest between the two. Also this is more darker than all of the 3 Nolan's Batman movie combined.
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That's what i'm talking about as well.

8 years of peace time. 8 years of the Dent Act. 8 years of Batman's sacrifice at the end of TDK working. He retired as Batman because he wasn't needed. He retired as Bruce Wayne because after losing Rachel he thought there was nothing out there for him.

He was desperate for a reason to go back out there as Batman. Bane gave him that reason.

I don't know, I understand you but I wanted to see the cops after batman. Just like Gordon talked about.
I don't need to. Because Nolan didn't want to "tarnish" Ledger's performance, he completely omitted the character from TDKR. The end result is those who don't know the behind the scenes stuff are left to wonder how such a significant character in the Batmanverse would have nary a mention in TDKR. Now you can pretend or cover that blemish with Nolansquirt, but that fact still remains. It's why many say TDKR feels more like a 4th film than a 3rd. And IMO, why you could swap TDK with TDKR as direct sequels to BB, because they don't flow consistently as a trilogy.

Par for the course.
I've not had a single person from the 'general audience' that I know say that they thought Joker's omission felt like his impact was ignored.

And i've spoken to dozens of people about TDKR.

Just a few of you folks in here that have stated that - which is fine if YOU feel that way. Doesn't mean that general audience agrees with you :lol
I've not had a single person from the 'general audience' that I know say that they thought Joker's omission felt like his impact was ignored.

And i've spoken to dozens of people about TDKR.

Just a few of you folks in here that have stated that - which is fine if YOU feel that way. Doesn't mean that general audience agrees with you :lol

:horror Nolancom****s finding no flaws in his film? YOU DON'T SAY! :lol
It's so funny seeing people in this thread post a link to a review in which some random person hates the movie, yet ignore many many others that enjoyed it.

Yep, and then you'll see people directly ignoring links to Nolan interviews where he specifically states that the 8 year gap was created to give a satisfying period of victory to the choices made at the end of TDK and instead fabricate their own unsubstantiated notions that its there just to allow Blake to grow up. :duh

Yep, and then you'll see people directly ignoring links to Nolan interviews where he specifically states that the 8 year gap was created to give a satisfying period of victory to the choices made at the end of TDK and instead fabricate their own unsubstantiated notions that its there just to allow Blake to grow up. :duh


:lol Which doesn't mean anything. It's like a political answer in a debate, or as Wofford would say, "spin class." :lol
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