The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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But he didn't say what it meant


"“If I had to express it thematically, I think what we’re saying is that for Batman and Commissioner Gordon, there’s a big sacrifice, a big compromise, at the end of the ‘The Dark Knight’ and for that to mean something, that sacrifice has to work and Gotham has to get better in a sense. They have to achieve something for the ending of that film — and the feeling at the end of that film — to have validity. Their sacrifice has to have meaning and it takes time to establish that and to show that, and that’s the primary reason we did [the 8 year gap.]"

"“If I had to express it thematically, I think what we’re saying is that for Batman and Commissioner Gordon, there’s a big sacrifice, a big compromise, at the end of the ‘The Dark Knight’ and for that to mean something, that sacrifice has to work and Gotham has to get better in a sense. They have to achieve something for the ending of that film — and the feeling at the end of that film — to have validity. Their sacrifice has to have meaning and it takes time to establish that and to show that, and that’s the primary reason we did [the 8 year gap.]"

And yet he didn't take the time to establish or show anything. Or did you see a different version of TDKR than the rest of us? :lol

I'd also like to point out that based on what was said regarding Talia and Robin, we already know Nolan's a liar. :wink1:
Joker being absent and not being mentioned (even though just about every main character from the previous films appears, is mentioned or referenced) isn't why the Dark Knight Rises sucks. That's the least of it's problems.

Before the film even came out, Nolan said "not happening". No need to dwell on it.
Aside from the fact that Bruce's happy ending isn't actually all that happy, and the fact that maybe bat-shaped pyrotechnics shouldn't be on your To Do List when a nuclear warhead is about to detonate, and the fact that merely making a logical suggestion to a superior officer earns John Blake the moniker "hothead" in literally every scene he's in with Matthew Modine, and the fact that Talia al Ghul completely despised her father until he died and then she suddenly wanted to devastate an entire city in order to carry on his beloved legacy, and the fact that the nuclear blast had a six-mile radius, yet somehow five seconds on autopilot gave Bruce enough distance to survive it, and the fact that all of Bane's interesting "power to the people" ideology could be chalked up to having an adorable crush on an evil bald girl,

Aside from a lot of flaws, I just don't think Bruce's sacrifice meant anything, because it wasn't a sacrifice at all. His epilogue negated that sacrifice. In the end, Bruce made Batman a hero, gave orphans a bunch of money and then went to Europe to **** Anne Hathaway for the rest of his life. Thanks for taking that bullet, Bruce. You're a real selfless hero.

"But Bruce's plan had a 1% chance of failing, it was risky sending out the vehicle with autopilot. he did sacrifice and could have died despite planning all this before hand etc. etc."
My top five movies of 2012 and my opinion means just as much as any critics :)

1. The Hobbit (2)
2. The Avengers (2)

3. The Bourne Legacy (2)
4. Dredd
5. John Carter
I would just like it noted, for the record, that this is not my fault. It's a result of Void trolling the Hobbit thread with pro-TDKR crap. :lecture :lol
It's in my top 5 favorite movies of 2012 as well. Don't get it why so many people hate it, literally HATE it. :dunno

:lol I liked it.

I liked it too. I don't love it or will buy it or anything but it is not the worst of 2012 (as some people think it is.) I thought it was a solid fantasy movie and I also do not get the hate. It is just okay but not terrible. I had fun watching it.

"But Bruce's plan had a 1% chance of failing, it was risky sending out the vehicle with autopilot. he did sacrifice and could have died despite planning all this before hand etc. etc."

Don't you have better things to do?You're wasting a lot time in a thread of a movie you hate. I certainly wouldn't be carrying on like this in a Batman Returns thread...speaking of which, shouldn't you be watching Batman Returns or Batman Forever? Or is there just so much to do in Pittsburgh?
Don't you have better things to do?You're wasting a lot time in a thread of a movie you hate. I certainly wouldn't be carrying on like this in a Batman Returns thread...speaking of which, shouldn't you be watching Batman Returns or Batman Forever? Or is there just so much to do in Pittsburgh?

My question wouldn't be for Difabio but I would ask Void why he wastes so much time defending a movie that made a billion dollars :lol Is not like the movie did bad or anything. Everyone that wanted to see it saw it, and everyone that wanted to buy it bought it. (everyone that liked it that is)

There are people that hate it, people that love it, why is this thread still open is beyond me :rotfl

I mean, Making fun of Difabio or Nam or whoever that posts in here negative comments is kinda stupid because people are wasting just as much time defending a movie that doesn't need to be defended at all.
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