The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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It's funny how many touted this dude as brilliant:


And yet there's little to no difference in what he does with his reviews about Star Wars and what DiFab does with Nolan's Batman. The only difference is Hipsters are so completely gay for Nolan ATM, so DiFab gets trolled for it. :monkey1

What I didn't like about those guys is that they rip Star Wars a new a-hole and they do the same for Amazing spiderman (which is fine, they did the same to Prometheus)

but then they turn a blind eye to Batman Rises and say it was a "good" movie,

I don't know how they can like Rises if they are so critical about movies that have a lot of plot holes, I mean, They are critical to bad movies
but then they go and say Rises was great.....:cuckoo:
What I didn't like about those guys is that they rip Star Wars a new a-hole and they do the same for Amazing spiderman (which is fine, they did the same to Prometheus)

but then they turn a blind eye to Batman Rises and say it was a "good" movie,

I don't know how they can like Rises if they are so critical about movies that have a lot of plot holes, I mean, They are critical to bad movies
but then they go and say Rises was great.....:cuckoo:
Did you hear their review?

They didn't turn a blind eye, they just didn't look at the movie and scream at all the little bull**** things like you did.

They had it spot on. Dark Knight Rises is a big fun mess. They're just not cynical enough to hate a movie because of a few problems. It still works as a movie. It may not be a great movie. But it's far from being the worst.

Their Spider-Man review was more on the fact the movie didn't do ANYTHING new. It didn't change the franchise, it was just nothing more then a cash grab. There was so little thought and work put into it. And that's why they hated it.

Dark Knight Rises, for all the problems it has, it wasn't lazy. Nolan may have crafted an mediocre story, but did excel in the visuals and the stunts.How many directors would shoot that plane scene practical? Not many.

And Star Wars...well same thing with Spider-Man. Those movies are just plain lazy.
Did you hear their review?

They didn't turn a blind eye, they just didn't look at the movie and scream at all the little bull**** things like you did.

They had it spot on. Dark Knight Rises is a big fun mess. They're just not cynical enough to hate a movie because of a few problems. It still works as a movie. It may not be a great movie. But it's far from being the worst.

Their Spider-Man review was more on the fact the movie didn't do ANYTHING new. It didn't change the franchise, it was just nothing more then a cash grab. There was so little thought and work put into it. And that's why they hated it.

Dark Knight Rises, for all the problems it has, it wasn't lazy. Nolan may have crafted an mediocre story, but did excel in the visuals and the stunts.How many directors would shoot that plane scene practical? Not many.

And Star Wars...well same thing with Spider-Man. Those movies are just plain lazy.

That's fine and all but then they criticize The Hobbit, nitpicking it. They say they liked it but then they criticize everything about it, make fun of Peter Jackson, I know the 48f sucked big hobbit ***** but they are not afraid to criticize movies, So I don't understand why they were so lenient with RISES.
That is pure awesomeness! Man I am really impressed. By far this is a best fan film I have seen! Fantastic. This is how you do Batman in live action. This hole thing is very comicbook like. Seriously wow just wow! :hi5:

there is a sequel:


and a Joker prequel as well:

I have to say this is my favorite Joker in real form. I mean the look, the voice, for being so low budget he does such a good job.
That's fine and all but then they criticize The Hobbit, nitpicking it. They say they liked it but then they criticize everything about it, make fun of Peter Jackson, I know the 48f sucked big hobbit ***** but they are not afraid to criticize movies, So I don't understand why they were so lenient with RISES.

Because they enjoyed it?

People think all they do is attack every film. They don't. More often or not, they will find SOMETHING they enjoyed. Very rarely do they ever hate everything about a movie.

With the exception of Jack and Jill. And even then, they broke it down why it didn't work as a whole, rather then "THIS SUCKED THIS SUCKED THAT SUCKED.."

They really enjoyed Rises, because it's enjoyable. It's fun. It's loud. It's a imperfect summer blockbuster. It has many problems, but it's mainly the Batman fans that hate it. Batman quitting? Doesn't bother me none. It's Nolan's tale, and soon there will be another version of Batman, so what does it matter?

The reason why the Red Letter Media guys are so popular, is because they give a level of criticism that you usually don't find in internet reviews. They take the time to point out what makes the film work, and what doesn't.

Sometimes the good, outweighs the bad. In the case of Rises, that is true.

Hell, their Prometheus review is great because it both brings up the problems, and the positives up all while making fun of the nitpicking fanboys who really can't come up with a rational thought themselves.
I like redlettermedia, but they are a bit hypocritical with their reviews. They even admit this.

The reason they're harsher on things like the prequel Star Wars films or Star Trek is because you can tell they're die hard fans of those two particular franchises (sound familiar?). I think Batman, specifically TDKR is just another movie to them, nothing they're really familiar with or care about.

They could easily tear into it, like they've done with other things. Completely destroy it's script and plot, but they don't. They have more half in the bag videos to do and cool specials like Titanic.
They also aren't giant fans of Nolan to begin with. Which is something to consider.

Yup, that too.

They're in an unbiased position to review films like TDKR. For them, it wasn't the best/greatest thing nor was it "teh worst movie ever".

I admire the work and ambition that went into this one, I've never once criticized that. I can appreciate this purely for the visuals, no question there. But when it comes to the actual story and plot, yeah, that's where I call it out and tear into it. Then again, I guess you could say the same thing about The Phantom Menace, spectacle and music is the only good thing about it. But TDKR at least has better performances (save for a few extras, Talia and Bane) and doesn't have the likes of Jar Jar Binks or "****y" jokes.
I'm not going to fault you for it.

The only thing that does bug me is the hyperbolic siders. It's the BEST. Or it's THE WORST.
there is a sequel:

and a Joker prequel as well:

I have to say this is my favorite Joker in real form. I mean the look, the voice, for being so low budget he does such a good job.

They are really great. Thanks for showing me these! Pure gold! I am very-very impressed. Best live action Batman by far and to be honest I like Batman City of Scars more than any other live action Batman out there. It is so comicbook like! Fantastic work!
Vader quit too. He even killed his boss.

No he didnt. He saved his child by going to the better side. He didnt ***** out and cry in the death star for eight years becuase padme died. He used that to build his rage, somthing that batman should of done. Vader was plotting to Kill the emperor even before luke anyway.
He still quit. Batman built up rage too. But atleast he wasn't a whiny little ***** who murdered his wife because of nothing.

Batman is just human. Vader is a narcissistic monster.
He just choked her a little bit and she died of a broken heart. That's what a weird robot told me anyhow.
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