The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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He still quit. Batman built up rage too. But atleast he wasn't a whiny little ***** who murdered his wife because of nothing.

Batman is just human. Vader is a narcissistic monster.

Vader quit when he was old. Just like batman quit when he was old in the comic.

Imagine if Vader quit after 1 year :lol there would be no Star wars 4,5 or 6 :rotfl:rotfl
You think the Emperor would just give up? He'd track down Luke and turn that kid into the most evil being in the galaxy.

Palps don't quit.
:lol at everyone still hating on this movie. It's badass, get over it.
Actually it got great reviews, Its just all the nerds on this forum that constantly hate on it.

What I don't get is people saying "why do you waste your time here?" to the haters, when Everyone in here is technically wasting their time. Me, you, Void, Difabio, if you want to get technical everyone is wasting time :lol
At everyone still hating the movie. It's good. Get over it.

Except for Difabio. He brought up real reasons.
What I don't get is people saying "why do you waste your time here?" to the haters, when Everyone in here is technically wasting their time. Me, you, Void, Difabio, if you want to get technical everyone is wasting time :lol

You seem to be getting in a lot of squabbles lately. It seems like every thread that I open, there you are getting into it with other members.
What I don't get is people saying "why do you waste your time here?" to the haters, when Everyone in here is technically wasting their time. Me, you, Void, Difabio, if you want to get technical everyone is wasting time :lol

:dunno I never said that......

Saying you don't like the movie is one thing, but when people constantly nit-pick every little detail, then it starts to get a little ridiculous. BATMAN AND ROBIN wasn't even hated on as bad as this film is. Thats when you know s*** has gone way too far. :lol
:dunno I never said that......

Saying you don't like the movie is one thing, but when people constantly nit-pick every little detail, then it starts to get a little ridiculous. Batman and Robin wasn't even hated on as bad as this film is. Thats when you know s*** has gone way too far. :lol

:lol:lol that's true about Batman and Robin.

Maybe not you. Okay, but I have seen the "Why do you waste your time here?" speech a lot. But what the people saying that don't realize is that technically everyone is wasting their time here. Even CelticP :lol
You seem to be getting in a lot of squabbles lately. It seems like every thread that I open, there you are getting into it with other members.

:dunno I dunno. Seems like the norm here. I don't argue that much do I? I mean I cannot be arguing with people as much as Nam or other do in here. I don't even have that many posts :dunno There is some sort of fight always going on in every thread I read.
Theres always some fight here.

It's just sexual tension
I think that the problem lies in saying that others' opinions don't have merit. Your Killer Klowns post, for example, Blackmask(I'm sorry, but it's more convenient than Werewolf Beast), brings up an interesting point. In that people who love this movie, and have the opinion that it's the best movie of the year are not wrong. It's entirely subjective, and they aren't without merit. I hate relying on the populus, but when 87% of critics and 92% of users have rated it positively(granted, this is not reflective of the entire movie going public, but a contained group), it's supporters aren't alone in liking it. This is a polarizing film, in that people either love it or hate it.
It's just sexual tension


I think that the problem lies in saying that others' opinions don't have merit. Your Killer Klowns post, for example, Blackmask(I'm sorry, but it's more convenient than Werewolf Beast), brings up an interesting point. In that people who love this movie, and have the opinion that it's the best movie of the year are not wrong. It's entirely subjective, and they aren't without merit. I hate relying on the populus, but when 87% of critics and 92% of users have rated it positively(granted, this is not reflective of the entire movie going public, but a contained group), it's supporters aren't alone in liking it. This is a polarizing film, in that people either love it or hate it.

Well, many people have said that the movie is not a bad movie in itself but a bad Batman movie. I tend to agree with that. Even Difabio said a couple of pages ago.
I think a lot of people are happy with the movie because it is just a good movie, but a lot of people don't care for the comics this is based on. A lot of movie critics are not comic fans or your regular moviegoer.

I think the reason this movie gets the extreme posts is because there are a lot of nerds (myself included) that are arguing about the movie.

the 87% or 92% could mean that, yeah sure the movie was great. as a Nolan movie. But as a Batman movie it left people very disappointed and just plain pissed off.
I don't know.I think this thread should have closed weeks ago lol.

(you can call me W beast if you must)
Anyone that thinks it's a bad Batman movie is a slave to their own definition of an undefined character. They've misinterpreted commonalities for "supposed to be." The character has been and will always be whatever the writer wants him to be. You can get on board as a fan of the mythos or you can cry like a ***** because its not like your cartoon. Batman fan or fan of "A" particular Batman.
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