The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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Anyone that thinks it's a bad Batman movie is a slave to their own definition of an undefined character. They've misinterpreted commonalities for "supposed to be." The character has been and will always be whatever the writer wants him to be. You can get on board as a fan of the mythos or you can cry like a ** because its not like your cartoon. Batman fan or fan of "A" particular Batman.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I am a Batman fan. There are always going to be different interpretations, and I'm okay with that. I think of these characters as being part of a modern mythology, and, like any retelling of a myth or a legend, things will be lost, and things will be gained; some details minor, and others major, but regardless of what differences are present in the tale, the heart of the story will remain untarnished. At the core of these movies lies the same Batman that is present in the comics, the other films, the West TV show, and the cartoons.
Hell, when you strip away said details, Batman Beyond is even the same; after suffering personal tragedy at the hands of criminals, a young man takes to fighting injustice as a vigilante.
Anyone that thinks it's a bad Batman movie is a slave to their own definition of an undefined character. They've misinterpreted commonalities for "supposed to be." The character has been and will always be whatever the writer wants him to be. You can get on board as a fan of the mythos or you can cry like a ***** because its not like your cartoon. Batman fan or fan of "A" particular Batman.

It'll fall down the list as it get more votes but I don't see it falling outside the top 50

TDK recently jumped a spot to #7 of all time on the other hand
Anyone that thinks it's a bad Batman movie is a slave to their own definition of an undefined character. They've misinterpreted commonalities for "supposed to be." The character has been and will always be whatever the writer wants him to be. You can get on board as a fan of the mythos or you can cry like a ***** because its not like your cartoon. Batman fan or fan of "A" particular Batman.

Very good post
I'll let you guess which 2 of the 3 you're guilty of. :wink1:

Sarcastic and Smart. Not the drama, bullsheite and stupidity your guilty of.

If I may so so. bazinga.

But in all seriousness TDKR is a brilliant film. Better than TDK? Hell no. That was the pinnacle. Is it disapointing? When you jump from TDK straight to TDKR then hell yes. It built something up that never happened apparently.

Is TDKR a superb stand alone film? Yep. Is the trilogy one of the finest? yep. Is it just like star wars; Empire/New Hope/ROTJ? yep TDK/BB/TDKR.

And for those fools who go 'omfg monies importantz' TDKR took more in the bo office over here in the UK than avengers. And we only have... 6 IMAX cinemas in the country I believe compared to how many 3D cinemas there are.
To be fair, IMDB users only rate movies either a 1 or a 10.

So the worst movie isn't really the best movie, and the best movie get it.

But Batman celebrates anyway.

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And ppl must to be OK with oxymoronic script for the THIRD and the LAST movie in the series.

... and become its mindless slave :lol

It actually means the exact opposite and is not even close to being an oxymoron. If you're getting on board with the mythos of the character you're opening yourself up for the world of changes it can clothe itself in and not becoming a slave to one iteration that you've mistakenly defined as "it."
Very good video:

I noticed at least 50 of those by watching the film and using my memory.It is rife with references, spoken and visual to it predecessors.
To be fair, IMDB users only rate movies either a 1 or a 10.
So the worst movie isn't really the best movie, and the best movie get it.

That's the web in general. Hot or cold, no inbetween. Not just movies, but just about everything is either 'epic' or 'it sucks'.

This movie neither. It was OK, and that's all. I won't sit around trying to defend plot holes, which are many. It wasn't as good as the two movies before it. It also wasn't craptacular on a level with something truely awful like HT Indiana Jones.

Out of the 498,760 votes, 262,352, or 52% are NOT 10 or 1.


IMDB ratings are the most representative online audience poll that there is for films.

Yeah but your saying 48 percent ARE 1 or 10. So 52% covers 8 further numbers. Meaning that its a high majority of 1 or 10s.
Actually 40+% are 10. And that's because that many people think it's a 10/10 :dunno

It's a 9.5 for me which I rounded to 10 for my vote

And whatever you say - its the same people voting for all the other films on IMDB so for it to come out on top means its on top among the people that use IMDB.
IMDB ranks Fight Club as the 10th greatest film of *all time.* I'm sticking with TDKR being the best Batman movie ever made but not the best film of 2012.

EDIT: IMDB doesn't have TDKR ranked as the top movie of 2012 either. Django is an 8.8 and TDKR is an 8.7.
IMDB ranks Fight Club as the 10th greatest film of *all time.* I'm sticking with TDKR being the best Batman movie ever made but not the best film of 2012.

EDIT: IMDB doesn't have TDKR ranked as the top movie of 2012 either. Django is an 8.8 and TDKR is an 8.7.

100% deserved for FC. I didn't see your point? :)
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