The Dark Knight Rises *SPOILERS*

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IMDB ranks Fight Club as the 10th greatest film of *all time.* I'm sticking with TDKR being the best Batman movie ever made but not the best film of 2012.

EDIT: IMDB doesn't have TDKR ranked as the top movie of 2012 either. Django is an 8.8 and TDKR is an 8.7.

Django only has 25k votes.

It'll fall under TDKR when its votes pick up. When TDKR only had that many votes it's rating was well over 9

Also Fight Club IS a great film and deserves its position. What's your point?

EDIT: Neo beat me to it :lol
Also to completely rubbish Celtic Ps silly claim that people only vote 1 or 10:

Looper (2012) has 86% of its votes that are NOT a 1 or 10. :wave
My point is that IMDB doesn't carry a lot of weight to those of us that laugh at the notion of FC being the 10th best movie ever made. ;)

And the opinion of those that laugh at the notion of FC being the 10th best movie ever made doesn't carry a lot of weight for those of us that agree with it. :lol :rotfl
So what's your point in referencing TDKR's IMDB ranking? To simply appeal to the handful of diehard Fight Club fans?

Fight Club isn't the only film in that occupies the top rankings in IMDB :slap

Do you generally agree with the other films in the top 10, top 20, top 30?

My point is that TDKR is ranked #1 for 2012 on (maaaybe arguably) the most representative online audience polling system. And that counts for a lot as far as I'm concerned, because I generally agree with IMDB rankings, give or take.
Fight Club isn't the only film in that occupies the top rankings in IMDB :slap

I know but using that site as your reference in TDKR's "#1 status" just gives people the opportunity to dismiss it as "just another Fight Club." That's the only list I've *ever* seen that ranks that movie so highly.
I know but using that site as your reference in TDKR's "#1 status" just gives people the opportunity to dismiss it as "just another Fight Club." That's the only list I've *ever* seen that ranks that movie so highly.

People will dismiss whatever they see fit to dismiss. You may not hold Fight Club in such high regard but perhaps agree with the other names.

Another person may disagree with Inception being in the top 15, but agree with everything else.

The important thing is that it's a rating aggregation - it does not represent the personal opinion of anyone, but the collective opinion of everyone who uses the site. And I'm not aware of any such site that has a higher user base.
People will dismiss whatever they see fit to dismiss. You may not hold Fight Club in such high regard but perhaps agree with the other names.

Another person may disagree with Inception being in the top 15, but agree with everything else.

The important thing is that it's a rating aggregation - it does not represent the personal opinion of anyone, but the collective opinion of everyone who uses the site. And I'm not aware of any such site that has a higher user base.

I consider "best of" lists to measure only the credibility of the user base conducting the list, not the films themselves.
I think a list that has Shawshank, Godfather I&II, Pulp Fiction, TDK, Fight Club, Schindler's List, 12 Angry Men (only one i've not seen), ROTK and GBU occupying the top 10 has a credible enough user base
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Fight Club is #10

Lawrence of Arabia is #67
2001: A Space Odyssey in #93

this list is meaningless. It's heavily frontloaded by 20-somethings who only rank movies from within (or close to) their lifetime.
Well personally I don't agree with the placement of a lot of the films in the top 250, but i generally agree with the selection of films in that list.

I've rarely found a film that i LOVED (personal score of 9 or more) not to be in the top 250

Wofford - will do
I don't agree with this line-up wholeheartedly but AFI is *much* more credible than IMBD:

Not for me, almost none of my personal top 10 films appear in that list. It's a critics list so it reflects personal opinions of a much narrower band of people.

IMDB is much closer reflection of my own feelings so I consider it more credible

Honestly I think the AFI list is as backended as IMDB's is front ended. Something in between the two would probably reflect reality better. For instance, I don't believe for one second that NO film made post 2001 isn't good enough to be considered in the top 100 of all time. There's been a good amount of GREAT films in the last 11 years
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But he did for others?

Chris Nolan and Johnathan Nolan even said, "in the three films, Batman has broken his one rule".

He definitely breaks it for Dent, and I can see why some would say Dent threw himself on the sword. One thing that always bugged me in Dark Knight was how easily Bruce made the decision to take out Dent when he had the gun pointed at Gordon's kid's head and was flipping the coin, but when The Joker gets out of the flipped semi and starts plugging the drivers of cars on the road with his machine gun (and who's to say those cars didn't have kids in them?) why would Bruce steer his batpod away from splattering the Joker? Isnt he throwing himself on the sword like Dent? He had no problem crushing the garbage truck driver with the tumbler.

Felt like a cheesy 'pick-and-choose' moment.
I consider "best of" lists to measure only the credibility of the user base conducting the list, not the films themselves.

****ing this.

IMDB is only good for information (it's a great tool to see statistics and information), not "best of" lists. I agree with Kamandi and Khev. It's not an accurate tool to gauge what's the best and what isn't. It's just a popularity vote of the time, nothing more. It has nothing to do with quality.

There's a fanboy mentality on IMDB, just look at their crazy *** boards. People think there's ignorance here? Over there it's crazy. If you don't think that list is influenced by hardcore fans of certain films, well, I don't know what to say. It's telling how a brand new film can just jump right into the top 10 list. Ever think that hype, newness or other scenarios cause it to be in the place it's in. Not that it's really "the best film ever"? I can't tell you how many times I've seen, the "“I haven’t seen any films or am not familiar with the filmmaker” results on a few polls of great films. There's so many kids and trolls over there, and they're all regular voters. EVERYONE is different, there might be different agendas for why people might vote for something that isn't how they really feel. That's not the thing that accuracy is made of if you ask me.

Think of the obsessed, young users that vote down other great films to put their favorites at the top. I love the Dark Knight, but should it really be in the top 10 films? I don't think so.

Void is a young, raving Nolan Batman fan boy, I'm sure he wouldn't even refute this claim or think it rude. It's true. Of course he's going to use polls or results that put his beloved "Dark Knight movies" in a positive light and think that it's accurate. Look at the reasoning he's using. "Because these great films surround this particular film, or the community says this, it must be true". I also love how he left out Return of the King, which is in the top 10 list. I don't see how anyone could refute the idea that the Lord of the Rings films are much better crafted, with more work, sweat, and time than any of Nolan's Batman films. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but those three films are definitely masterpieces and of a higher film making quality than "Nolan's Batman", even if they bore the crap out of you.

I don't see how anyone who TRULY loves and enjoys films can easily rate the movies they've seen. Unless they haven't seen that many of course. If you're a fan of cinema, any list or ranking SHOULDN'T come to you so quickly. Not with over 100 years of films out there. I have trouble with ****ing 5 since there's so much great stuff out there. If you do, and you're sincere about it, I guarantee your list will change again and again and again depending on your mood, mindset and life. I'll never understand lists or categorizing great movies, nor will I believe that some internet site, no matter how popular is a good way of measuring what's "teh best".

I love Batman Begins and I love The Dark Knight, everyone knows my thoughts on TDKR but there is no way any of them are "the best films ever made" like people continually try to spew from message board to message board. They're fun, they're interesting, some are thought provoking and they're definitely entertaining. But "THE BEST/TOP FILMS EVER" or "OF 2012", get out of here. Anyone that says that, again, hasn't seen that many films in their life time, nor this year and are narrow minded on one type of film. They might sincerely think that, I'm sure there are some here that do, but they're probably stir crazy for it. It's THEIR favorites, not "the best".

The only thing that's important is how YOU feel. I can't express that enough. People need to stop posting lists and polls (Solidsnake, Void, most people with a Batman avatar/sig), especially of recent films to justify what's "good" or "bad" to the world. There are no "majorities" or "minorities", not with something as vast as the world we live in with so many types of films, good and bad.
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